
I just did an IQ test and i'm curious to see if it did well or not?

by Guest66900  |  earlier

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i scored a 138

is that good???

i'm 14 and i really good at learning and remembering




  1. 100 is average..

    130 is smart...

    160 is genius


  2. that is really good. if you think about it, 140 is genius, so 138 and only fourteen is really good. i wish i was that smart. ;D

  3. That means your higher than average. And you can't make your IQ go up. Its an IQ. Some people don't believe IQ

  4. To be honest, almost all IQ Tests online are gimmicks. If you want to take an actual test, I'd talk to a school counselor or something along those.

  5. 100 is average so i guess you did great

  6. 138 is about College/University level.

    Keep it up, genius!

  7. I scored 152 on an online test and I could care less. All it tests is your ability to puzzle things out. I do horribly at school, rebel nature and all. Make sure you don't let silly things like an IQ get to your head. I did and I fell behind as a result.

  8. That's really good...I'm 124..and I think we're either average or above average..^^

  9. the more you know the less.. your on your way.

    P.S. age does not matter because IQ tests are relative.

  10. Are you serious? That is heapss goood! I'm like 90 IQ and im 17 lol how embarrassing

  11. You took a test that did not tell you how to measure the results?   If you had a 138 IQ, you would know better.

  12. That is very good... well above average! Good for you!

  13. eh, depends on which kind. One of the stupid ad ones like on myspace or something, dont buy it.. if it was a real one, with an administrator and everything, 138 would be sweet for a 14 year old..

  14. It's ok

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