
I just don't get it. Our Americans are fighting for US. This WAR is all about GAS, PETROL and gas guzzler

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Remember when the animal rights people would throw paint on someone who was wearing a Fur coat to protest the killing of these poor animals just for "Fashion". Well, I feel the same thing is happening when Americans drive around in GAS HOGS, when OUR American people are dying over there for WHAT, for the almighty GAS and Dollar for that gas. Also, the government receives the Tax revenue from this gas. I'm not talking about people who commute to work in economy cars, I'm referring to the Gas Guzzling Hummers that are Just a "Fashion Statement". Am I alone on this , or is there something else that I don't understand??. Please Educate me if I am wrong. There are other countries that have been able to find other alternatives; Brazil for one uses Corn and converts it into fuel or petrol.





    watch this..

    People are fighting based on fear we are under a media campaign to put fear into everyone . Even the CIA has admitted to fear campaigns in previosu wars you can see them admit it on this video

  2. duh..I

    ..the US has the power and ability  to take over all the oil fields if we chose to .

    (fortunately the US believes that stealing others property is not nice ; Sovereign nations have the right and authority to manage their own resources,trade or sell as they see fit.)

    ....As for the corn(brazil) into ethanol (petrol) up..

    Ethanol costs more to produce (grow corn/harvest/shred,extract/purify/purcha... additives plus the cost of the energy needed (coal/electrical/nuclear power plants )  If the US planted more corn than our other food crops ..millions of people would die or suffer . Millions survive because the US generously provides food aid to many countries that cannot grow adequate rice,barley (beer),wheat,potatoes, fruit, dairy etc. Brazil receives US food subsidies/ aid and still many in their population go hungry each nite.

    ...War is scary//people die/  The reality is simply that there are humans who would kill to achieve power or to obtain whatever they lust for...Hope you never have to meet human killers in your backyard or suffer the loss of your family because some killer decided to blow something up.

  3. Yes its about gas. That's why we have had record high gas prices and rumors of gas shortages. Don't you think that if it was really about gas, we might see lower gas prices if there is more oil available on the market. Supply & Demand. And corn ethonal is not a viable alternative to gas. Other forms of ethanol may work, but corn ethonal will not. Currently 20% of the US corn crop goes to make ethonal and it replaces only about 1 % of gas consumption.

  4. I was looking for a van to carry an invalid in and the car salesman told me that people were freaking out about the gas bill and trying to dump the big gas eters.  He said they were upside down, which means they owe more on it than it is worth and would take a lose if they dumped it.  That I assume was due to the "no down payment" gimmicks the auto makers use.  But he said folks wer really freaking out

    i have talked with the people that hve the Hummers and the "baby" Hummer and they told me like 8-10 miles a gallon, so that has got to hurt unless you are a movie star.

    as far as the corn it is a double whammy, first the stupid market people start driving the cost of corn up, although we normally ship a zillion tons overseas every year and think i think it takes as much energy to make a gallon of it and that it takes a bunch of the corn, like 6 pounds, but do not quote me on the amount.  So rest assured we understand were yo are coming from.  God Bless the troops, they serve and you don't hear a peep, lawyas have.  Tonight they had a deal that showed these troops were at the top of all, for all time..  Take care.

  5. no!!!!!!

    Saddam was due...for a long time!!!!

    he was a brute b******e and needed to be taken out!

    His war crimes against humanity are well documented!

    problem is that after the initial invasion, which was brilliant, (invasion of ENTIRE country done in 3 weeks!!!)....the OCCUPATION was messed up BIG time!! (not enough troops, rummy!!!)

  6. If you truly believe this then you should stop buying things made from oil like your I pod, MP-3, combs, clothes. Of course its over the free flow of oil just think how far you could go on air and a hope that alcohol made from corn will cost you $50,000.00 for a little car. Not to mention the 85,000 people that were killed in the 80s by that b*****d.

  7. It's the corporate America...They stand behind it all...They make profits, they "downsize" companies like GM and others, it's because of them American jobs are uncertain while their profits are beyond reason !

  8. right right right....we have plenty of oil in Alaska and the Gulf, so we start an international incident  half way across the world for crude oil.   God forbid we fear nuclear/chemical proliferation and depose a murderous dictator.

    Oh and the poorly selling H2 trumps the hundreds of thousands of Camrys, Corrollas, Civics, Accords sold every year.  That one particular model just kills the whole MPG table huh?  Give me a break.

    Brazil doesn't use corn for ethanol, it uses sugar cane.  A product that isn't as heavily influential on other commodaties as American corn.   There are also fewer drivers in Brazil, and fewer cars sold.  Because of all this, Brazil was able to do a rare thing...achieve a market balance and be nearly energy independant.

  9. regardless of what vehicles people drive. theres going to be big money in petrol.

    even if everyone drove hybrid cars, it would still be in the interest of whoever could market it happen, to get control of the oil feilds

    Whether or not thats why your at war i dont know

    but if it is the reason, you still would be even without the 'gas guzzlers' because everysingle person still drives some sort of a car and petrol would still be the enourmous multi billion dollar market it is.

    Where im from (australia) and america aswell, there is not enough cropland to  sustain both fields for use as a fuel source, it simply isnt feisable.

  10. Maybe you've noticed that China and India are in the midst of industrial revolutions.

    Maybe it has occurred to you that oil supplies might get tighter as a result.

  11. I agree with you and the worst thing that some Americans are happy for that, this is a very big sham and some answers here make people believe that every attack against U.S or Americans is right and this is so so bad!!!

  12. Please buy a map. 85% of the oil exported by Iraq is under contract to a French firm (Compagnie Petrol De Francais). Afghanistan has no oil or natural gas reserves.

  13. I agree with your observations on the gas hog vehicles but I don't think the war is entirely over fuel.  Sadam needed to be taken out but no one had the guts to do it except the US.  I think that fuel alternatives are soon on the scene because in my state alone the companies licensed to produce these fuels have more than doubled in the last few years.  I do wonder something: no one in this country that I know uses the word petrol???

  14. your answer is completely correct. its just about gasoline

  15. I think you are absolutely right. This war was mainly about oil. If Sadam was a African nation with no oil we would not be interested. And oil is what gives Iran money to possibly pursue WMD. What Bush told the American ppl to do to help our troops was to go buy stuff. That is so lame.

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