
I just don't know what to do anymore I am so in debt and can barely afford to feed my kids and pay the bills?

by Guest56237  |  earlier

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I have 3 great kids and it just can't take it anymore but I can't end things because of them




  1. First thing we're going to do is teach you how to do a budget.

    Take out a sheet of paper.

    On the top line, write down INCOME, and how much you're going to make next month.

    Then, we start listing everything you spend money on, in order of importance.

    First, most important thing you spend money on is FOOD.

    Write down how much money it will take to feed yourself and your kids next month, if you cut it down to beans & rice, mac & cheese, ramen noodle soup, and baloney sandwiches.

    Second most important is SHELTER.

    Write down the amount you pay for rent.

    Third is UTILITIES.

    That's the electric bill, the water bill, etc.

    Fourth is CLOTHES.

    Not the fancy stuff, but what will it take to keep clothes on the kids?


    That includes the CAR PAYMENT, the GASOLINE, the INSURANCE.

    Add up all of those, and compare it to your income.

    If you have more income than expenses, then we can continue.

    If not, you're going to have to cut some of these expenses (the cable bill?, sell the car and buy something cheaper? Sell the house and move into an apartment?)

    If you have more income, then we can start attacking the debts.

    Here's the plan for your excess money:

    Step 1: Get current with what you owe.  (That's the minimums only)

    Step 2: Save $1,000 cash-in-the-bank. (that's for emergencies, in case the transmission breaks)

    Step 3: Attack the smallest debt.

    Got it? Good.

  2. get another job to earn more money

  3. I know where you're coming from. I don't have any kids, but I'm currently in a situation similar to yours.

    I soooooo friggin' sick of people telling others to "get another job" or "have the kid's father help you out" or to "reduce your expenditures" or blah, blah, blah. AS IF WE HAVEN'T ALREADY TRIED THAT!!!

    Some people are absolutely clueless when they're not going through what you're going through, so I guess that you can't be too mad at them for that. It's just annoying, you know?

    So here's my solution:

    1. I hope you're religious. You're going through an extremely stressful time right now, and you'll definitely need to consult with The Man Above to aid you through this difficult time.

    2. Since you have a computer, here's a link to a REPUTABLE work-at-home website.

    The harsh reality is that you have to spend money to make money, but you won't be spending that much. If you don't like the link I gave you, do some research on the internet for yourself. I guarantee you'll find SOMETHING legit.

    3. Don't be afraid to ask for help! Be it for monetary assistance, a place to stay, a ride somewhere, etc. You seem like a nice person, so when people who were in bad situations asked you for help, did you think any lesser of them? No, you probably didn't. Your friends and family will be more likely to help you out of a bad situation than you think. There's nothing wrong with sucking up your pride a little bit and asking for help.

    4. Did you know that the Federal Government has issued millions of dollars for job training for people in your situation?

    Google the term "one-stop career center" for the state you live in. You can actually have the state PAY FOR career training for a good-paying career that's in demand.

    I know this for a fact because I'm currently enrolled in a job-career placement program in California. I'm going to school to become a Paralegal while also working on getting my Master's Degree in Journalism.

    4. Do you have ANY talents that can earn you a few extra bucks on the  side? I've been earning some money training people's dogs for $100 to $200 per session. I know this sounds awful, but I've been advertising myself on Craig's List and in the Pennysaver at the RICH areas in Southern California, and have gotten great results!

    My Journalism Degree has also made it possible for me to do some freelance writing "here and there" for small newspapers and journals.

    My friend braids hair, and she's been making money on the side doing that, too!

    With the high cost of living that we have to deal with in modern day society, don't listen to anyone who will tell you to get some BS minimum-wage part-time job somewhere just to make ends meet. Your ends WON'T be met and you'll just become overworked and overstressed.

    There's a way around everything. Please be strong and DON'T LET your kids see you in a downtrodden state.

    Good luck and blessings to you!

    Sorry this was so long.


    I forgot to tell you to call all of your bill collectors, tell them your situation, and ask if they can work with you on a payment plan. Most utility companys will do this for you.

    And, of course, the prioritizing of your bills:

    Pay the utility bills FIRST! You need electricity, gas, and water.

    And if you're worried about your credit rating  . . .

    If you have to choose between feeding your family and paying a credit card bill, then the choice you have to make is OBVIOUS. You will be able to rebuild your credit history in due time when you get back on your feet.

  4. DUDe this is such a freaking awesome site man!

    i made 30 dollars in 10 mins!


  5. I am so sorry to here about you situation, working one job takes it out of me.

    You could try and make your current debt more affordable to yourself. This way you will be able to reduce your outgoings to your unsecured debt, which should leave you with more money in your pocket!

    See if a debt management plan is right for you. It is an informal agreement  to your unsecured creditors (those who you owe money to). Have a look at the source link, that has loads of info for you >>


  7. There is aid available. Get a second job to get back on your feet.  

  8. Where is the kids dad?

  9. Cut down to bare basics - like no internet connection, etc.  Food for your kids is more important.  If you look at your bills, you will see many things you could live without, but your kids can not live without you.  There are some services depending on where you live.  Look in the yellow pages.  Talk to your church if you have one.  Good Luck.  Stay strong for your kids!

    Are the kids' other parent involved?  Do you get support?  If not, could you?  There are agancies for this.

  10. try this debt solutions place, they helped me out a lot   1866 929 9424   good luck  hey its a free call,  nothing to lose

  11. I have learned to scale down quite a bit and it is easier than it might seem.  You are overwhelmed and need to take a deep breath.  There are lots of things you can really do without.  I went for 6 years without computer and internet connection, I go NOWHERE unless it is work or a family emergency.  No, I don't get to go to parties or weddings or showers, but you have to prioritize.  Check out local agencies who offer help to families.  I admire that you work three jobs, been there, done that.  Talk with family and where is child support!?  persue that.  Keep on keeping on...don't even think of ending things, that would do your children no good at all.  You need to remember that you should have what you need, not what you want.  

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