
I just don't know what to do anymore...?

by  |  earlier

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Long story short...

I am 35 and I'm in a relationship that is not meaningful nor is it truly healthy...

She is selfish, never asks about my day...but if she does then it is only because she feels is required to do so..

She doesn't truly care about other people.. unless they have something she wants..she is not interested in their goals, life or feelings.

All we ever talk about is her.. what her plans are to get ahead. I admire that, I truly do, but there is another side of life and it is meant to be lived! When I say something about myself...she changesx the subject with ' what do you think we should do with the yard' ? Really?

We haven't connected at all lately and honestly, I feel ok about it. My heart isn't in it anymore and I feel sooooo sad about that.

Am I asking too much from this person?




  1. people like her rarely change, find someone more to your likeing, than your happiness will explode with delight!

  2. Drop it like it hot.(I mean the relationship).

  3. i think you're no longer asking for anything.. you just have to find your way out of this.. if your heart's not in it anymore.. it's not much to ask from a person.. we all need care and love.. and you've got to move on from whoever's not being sensitive to your needs too .  

  4. No you are not asking to much. Have you said any of this to her?

  5. u need to try to talk to her, people change as the years go by and u realize that u are are not the same as when u fell in love.

  6. Yes - you're asking to be something she isn't.  She is being perfectly honest, natural and open about being who she is.  If you don't like who she is then you are wasting your time in this relationship.

  7. She sounds like an egotist. I don't think you are asking too much. You don't say for how long you've been together...You should end this relationship, i'm sure you will find someone better. It's not easy to break up but there's no point in wasting your time on her

  8. ur not asking anything of her, and in that it is too much. i say dump her. if u don't want to do that, then expain to her about how u feel. if she doesn't respect that, she doesn't deserve you.

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