I'm so depressed over my body, family, friends, appearance, and pretty much everything in my life.
I feel like I'm so fat, and can't look good in anything. I'm 5 foot 6 and 127 pounds.
Nothing I try on looks the way I want it to.
I feel fine about the upper body, but my legs and butt seem so fat.
My mom doesn't understand. She just drops me off at the mall and gets mad when I don't buy any pants.
I just feel so upset because everywhere I look, everyone seems skinnier than me.
Then there's my face. I have pretty eyes...but my skin is very pasty and freckly and my hair is an ugly shade of red and my forehead is huge.
I photograph horribly and am always ashamed of my school picture and any picture for that matter.
It doesn't help that my friends don't ever seem to include me anymore.
They all went to the movies on friday and didn't invite me.
They have parties and don't invite me, my best friend never talks to me and my parents are always like "why don't you invite a friend over?" and I just think about how I don't have anyone to invite over.
I don't know who else to be friends with...my group of friends is the group of the school that'll include anyone (but me I guess.)
Everyone else is skinny and popular and stylish and I just don't fit in with them; or they're scary and not the type of people I want to be around (such as trouble makers and the "scene" people).
My mom is really mean to me and doesn't even try to understand how upset I am.
I love my dad, but he has to work a lot.
Teenagers are so mean and I hate going to junior high (I'm 14 - 9th grade which is the last year of jr. high).
What should I do?
I've always been the type of person who everybody is jealous of, because I'm the top of the class and I'm good at sports and theatre, but I just don't even feel like living right now.
I would never commit suicide, and I'm very much into God, but I kind of wish something would happen to me, like I'd get run over and die.
Please give me some words of guidance.
I just don't know what to do anymore.