
I just don't want to get a job or go to school.?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know what to do. Nothing in school interests me and nothing seems fun. I don't want a job at all. I don't care about material things, I only lie around and sleep or watch TV shows that I don't like in my little free time. I don't want to be in any one's way. I don't think that I should have to be forced into doing something for the rest of my life that I don't want to. I'm not expecting luxury handed to me for free and I won't be in anyone's way so how would I be harming anyone? I don't want a lecture about how I need college (I won't bother reading it) unless it has to actually do with the question. I don't really even want to live. I'm not suicidal and I don't want death, I'm just indifferent. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. I feel kind of the same way, except to a lesser extent.  I don't like being bossed around, which means I pretty much don't like school or work.  I don't like material things either, but I do really like money itself, for some reason.  Anyway I kind of agree with the last answer before me, actually. (Mel P...might have been joking, but whatever, I think there's something to that.)  Have you heard of Freeganism?  It's basically a subculture based on "community, generosity, social concern, freedom, cooperation, and sharing in opposition to a society based on materialism, moral apathy, competition, conformity, and greed."  btw it's not a cult or anything, just an ideology and practice.  I haven't really tried it yet, but I am starting to think of it as a viable alternative to social-frustration-induced kleptomania.

  2. Life can be real real sucky :/ there's not much you can do about that. you don't really need college, when you don't expect material things. if you just get like a waiter job (available almost anywhere, and ok hours not talking up much of your time) i bet you could make enough money to get a semi-descent apartment and the essentials(if not you could get a room mate in the semi-descent apt.) but a job like that doesn't tie you for life, and it will keep you level enough that you can figure out what you really want to do. cheer up lil' buckaroo :) things will get better i promise :)

  3. Haha. I'm the same way.

    Job & school. No thankyou!

    I would rather just be lazy all day.

    I don't really know what to do about it. So I guess we're both screwed, huh?

  4. You mention not having enough time, and very little free time...what is it that you are doing? Maybe you are in a state of brown out...existing, but not truly living.

    Is it just that you are unsure of what to do with your life and afraid to be caught and trapped in something for the rest of your life that you hate?

    What have you ever done that has excited you, you mention a you sing or play an instrument? If it is a true vocation for  you, you'll love it and it won't matter if you make a lot of money or not, the thrill of performing and doing something you love will be enough. At least it is more of an abundant life that just existing.

    What you are doing now is obviously not working, and you need to do something different, or life is just going to be more of the same....turn off the TV (it is making your brain lazy) and you will have time to form a band. ADVERTISE....

    All the best.


  5. Start a band. Get good! And then tour. So that will be your job and it would be awesome!

  6. 1. If you don't enjoy anything you could be depressed. That's a symptom. (Some people don't feel sad, they just don't get pleasure out of anything).

    2. It's OK to hate work and hate school. Totally. It doesn't make you lazy or bad.

    3. It's your decision whether to work or go to school or not. You're right, nobody should force you. But if you want a place to sleep and food, you're going to need to make some money. If you live off somebody else while you lie around you won't feel good about yourself, and nobody else is going to respect you.  

  7. You can always just be free and homeless.  People do it every minute of every day.  It's a lifestyle that seems to suit you since you don't want to have ties to material items or people and don't care about your future.  I'm guessing you're a teen so when you're a legal adult (18) leave your parents home and strike out on your own and have everything you want which is NOTHING.  Good luck!!!

  8. dont look for answers on yahoo idiot

  9. James, I thought this way for a bit... You need to find a cause or hobby of some sort.  You cant possibly say that there is nothing that you like to do, If you do, then you are making that your casue and well to be quite honest that is pretty lame and highschoolish.   There has to be something (s*x, drugs, tv, games, spy, fishing, flying, girls, guys, fshion) I promise ther is money in anything you like to do.  Just make sure you love what you do and you do it with all your heart.  College is not the end all but it might open your eyes to what you dont want to do and what you might like to do.  Just so you know I have been in your shoes, and found what I love to do and that solved it all. I swaer it will happen to you just open your eyes and stop asking or listening to what everyone tells you what to do! Enjoy and fyi god does help with this stuff just say a prayer or two!

  10. while he could have been nicer, bmb is right you know; that sounds little too heavy for yahoo answers.

  11. uppers?

  12. your a lazy sob get of your fat *** and go make something of yourself

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