
I just dont like kids?

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i love babies and toddlers.

but i really do not like kids. between the ages of 4-13 i just cannot stand them! they talk to much and they are so rude and obnoxious!!!!!!

i am wanting to have a baby within the next 3 years, but i'm scared i wont like my kid.

what can i do to make myself like kids?!




  1. There is nothing you can do to make yourself like kids. Do the world a favor - Don't have any.

  2. My mother doesn't like kids. She absolutely loved me  and my sister, but she still can't stand other people's kids. It's different when they are your own-you see a bit of you and your husband (or SO) in their faces, so it's impossible to dislike them.

    If you decide you don't like them at all, it's fine not to have any- enjoy being free.

  3. I see alot of women nowadays that think their retarded animals are children and put animals above the lives of human beings and treat men and children like they are something to take advantage of.I would beg you do NOT make a baby!!!

    If you are So SELFISH make sure you make it with a man that wants a BAby and who goes into it the situation knowing full well you intend to abandon this child when it reaches the age of 3 or 4 years old.

    It isn't your fault American women are being mind conditioned into this behavior to destroy America.It is very sad

  4. There is a quote from an episode of scrubs that has always stuck with me. When the jerk character who hates everyone was asked how he handles being a new father he said:

    "You know how my wife and I hate everyone? Well that goes double for their kids. I mean really, they smell, they're loud, you can't understand them. They're like tiny cab drivers. But when you have your own, that all changes."

    I think that about sums it up. I hate OTHER people's children with a  passion, but when I have my own, I know that unconditional love will kick in until the day I die.

  5. you can teach your children the appropriate way to act - they aren't all rude and obnoxious.

  6. It sounds kinda scarey when you're asking how do I make myself like kids?  

    If you honestly can't spend time with kids over the age four, then you really need to think about having kids because one day they too will turn four, then five and so on.  

    If you really want kids, I suggest taking some parenting classes, counseling and babysitting older kids.  If none of that works, then maybe you shouldn't have kids.

  7. If you "can't stand" children then don't have any. Babysit other people's infants and toddlers or get a job in a daycare infant room instead.

  8. when you have a kid, there is no other love like it. You actually can't know how much you can love until you have a kid. Pretty sure at an later age, they will get on your nerves but for me, it's worth it. You should really look into yourself to see if you are ready to have one. It's a big responsibility and a lot of work.

  9. Raise them so they are not rude or obnoxious.

  10. maybe you should not have're kinda like one of those people that gets a puppy and then drops it on the street as soon as it becomes any type of burden

  11. Become an elementary school teacher.  You will either decide you really like them or you will convince yourself that having them is not for you.  It's ok not to have kids if you don't want them.

  12. No matter how obnoxious and rude other people's children are, you'll be convinced that your children are never that bad.  You'll just love them unconditionally the moment they are born.  Its also up to you to raise polite and well-behaved "kids".  Other than that, you'll just have to learn to accept the fact that kids "talk alot" because they are curious and learning about the world around them.  If you can't accept that, then wait to have children until you don't see them as a hassle.

  13. i can honestly say i don't generally like kids either. i have a 5 yr old and a 1 yr old and i love them and they are a lot of fun, but i just don't like other people's kids. most of them anyway. there is nothing wrong with that and i can assure you that you will love your own kids. you don't have to make yourself like kids, my daughter is outside with neighborhood kids all day and i just pay attention and make sure she knows her boundaries. just because you don't like all kids doesn't mean you'll be a bad mom. so don't listen to people saying you are a bad person.
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