
I just dont understand i cant..?

by  |  earlier

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I always tried to be great at basketball, but thing is the lazyness is holding me back. Like 2 days ago i practice 7 hours and to be honest i was proud of myself and i know i can be great. But the next day i stop playing basketball and I KNOW i have to get out there and start practicing. Even tho i wasnt trying my hardest when i was practicing because i know that there is no point because pplz have more experience than me. I have passion and to be honest, i dont know why i am posting this because i should go out there and practice rather than writing this thing. I just need someone that can push me to do it and to reach MJ statues haha.




  1. If you're lazy, you're not gonna make it anywhere.

    Oh you do want to make it somewhere? QUIT BEING LAZY.

    I know you think people are already ahead of you, and they are, but to get ahead of them you have to practice more and harder, EVERYDAY. You think if you practiced 7 hours everyday, really hard, with a purpose, you WOULDN'T be better then a lot of people. You're wrong.

    Stop all the bs about how people are better then you. You want to look back, if you dont make college basketball or where ever you want to go, you want to look back and think "I should have practiced harder and not made excuses"? Yes you will think that if you don't make it, and by then it will be too late. SO START NOW. Just think about how great its going to feel when you accomplish your dreams, and BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

    And about AAU basketball... You dont need it. Once you get really good you can send a tape to the colleges you want to go to. College coaches have expressed that kids are playing way too much AAU and club ball, rather then what they should be doing, working on their individual game.

    This should serve as a WAKE UP CALL to you. Start now.

    You can email me if you want.

    Good luck and remember, it's not too late to begin to become what you want to be. And anything worth having, doesn't come easy. SO WORK HARD.

    Good luck man, I'm really hoping for ya.

  2. make yourself a chart. let's say you make a chart of how long you should practice everyday (it doesn't have to all be shooting hoops it could be running ball control defense) then you can put the chart where you would see it a lot so it's a constant nag and when you have free time you can see the chart and go out and practice.

    Even a piece of paper saying "practice basketball" hanging up somewhere can do the trick

  3. Im the same way man I see people who play AAU there whole life and i think they have more excperience than me i just turned 16 you have to play organized made me 10 times better no more little have court games find where ballers are and run some 5 on 5 i was a freshman and i mad varsity but didnt play alot on varsity because the kids who are in front of me have more excpeirence but it isnt to late to catch up to there excpeirience for you now you have to put in work and make up all that experience faster than if you played more. tell me how it works out after you get back from PRACTICING.

  4. Stop making excuses.

  5. look omar belive in yourself and you can accomplish anything

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!

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