
I just dyed my hair....?!?!?!?

by Guest11088  |  earlier

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I just dyed my hair yesterday.

Do I have to deep condition once a week?

What do I have to do to have my color stay in as long as it can?

Any help is great! :]




  1. If your hair is damaged do a deep conditioning once a week for a month.  If it's not that bad, just do it once a month.

    Red colors are very hard to stay in, some will fade in a matter of a couple weeks.  However, whatever color you did yours, use a shampoo & cond. for color treated hair.  A solon product really is the best.  

  2. use colorology shampoo and conditioner. it works great and smells so good its a little pricy but it works really well.

  3. Use color safe shampoo, especially ones with UV filters will help the color to stay true. Also you should deep condition once a week because dying your hair damages it. A lot of drug store hair dyes come with a tube to use once a week for 6 weeks or just go out and buy a deep conditioner. There are lots of specialized products for colored hair.  

  4. To protect your hair color I would use the conditioner that they give you in the package, usually you should wash your hair with that about once a week, and also, if you want to keep your color from fading you should keep your hair protected from the sun like wearing a hat or shampoos with spf, you could also try using a color protectant shampoo and conditioner, but I would watch out because some brands can cause your color to fade faster. :3 hope i helped!

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