
I just failed my drivers test, how do you get over that?

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i just failed my drivers test and i feel horrible! how do you get over failing your test? now i dont even want to drive around anymore! im afraid i'll never get it but im just so discouraged right now...




  1. My dear sister in law had 100 driving lessons , 3 instructors,and finally passed on her 5 test. Now she drives all over and loves it so just reapply for your test straight away ,get a new instructor if you have lost confidence in the old one  but don't think  you will never pass as that's wrong .you will and be a better driver for it as you will have more experience that a lot that think they can drive ..

    I passed on my 13 th lesson but on the lesson before stalled at every road junction ,traffic lights ,you name it but i went on the next day and drove perfectly so don't give up and good luck

  2. Well, you could go throw rocks at that jerk neighbors house, punch a few holes in the walls, or beat up your little brother who keeps telling everyone you failed your drivers license test.

    OR..., you could take a step back from yourself and figure out how you went wrong. Did you know the material for the written test? Did you get nervous on the road test? Did something stupid distract you on the road? Only you know for sure what went wrong. Therefore, only you can take the steps to correct it. Once you do, I'll bet you pass your test!

    Of course if you want instant gratification, go beat up your little brother because now he's charging his little friends a dollar to see your failure notice, and he's NOT cutting you in!

    Go get 'em.

  3. It is tough, but just remember you'll get it eventually.  Learn from the mistakes you made, practice more and try again.  Lots of people fail, some people even more than once, but eventually they pass and get it.

  4. Just take a few deep breaths and relax is not the end of the world lots of people fail their first time.  just practice some more and take it again in a few weeks and you will do fine :)

  5. The best way to pass is to have someone drive with you a long way over and over.  Practice will help you.

  6. Relax go take it again,you are not the first to fail that test

  7. It's ok don't get discouraged i failed the written test twice i went over it like 20 times and i passed after the 2nd time i didn't fail the driving part though i almost did cause when i backed up i bumped into the curb! lol you will pass it next time though good luck! just keep practicing

  8. get a bus pass.

  9. I flunked my first time, too.  I've know people who flunked 4 or 5 times.  Often they would retake the test in a smaller town where it was less demanding and pass it.  There is no shame in trying again.

  10. Practice, and try again.

    Just before I took mine, a girl had trouble starting the car, then she put it in reverse and pressed the gas as if she were going to pull away.  Needless to say, she had to take it again.

  11. Whoever do not make it or failed a test will not feel good.

    If U are not sure where or how U failed then I believe U should be discouraged. B4 the next test U will failed again.

    Most important item is look confidence , when someone see a 2 " L " plate hanging on the car they tend to cut in or sudden slow down to drag U into driving at a INCONSISTANT speed.

    Make it today I am the queen of the road , give yourself a go ahead self declaim licence driver.

  12. Ummmm by getting the h**l over it?  What will you do when something serious actually happens?  Take the test again.

  13. Just relax I failed my road test once and when I went back I payed attention and passed.  And if you failed the exam part then just study and you should be able to pass with ease next time.  and don't give up trying to get it you will eventually as long as your dedicated toward getting it. Good luck

  14. You get over it by engaging your brain, study harder if it was the written part or getting a good driver to give you good hard driving lessons. I've had some of the worst and now they are good drivers. You just need to buckle down and get positive.

  15. It may not be your driving. It could be the person giving the test. Sometimes you get a strict one, and other times you get one that's more likely to give you a break. I failed mine the first time, but only because I took my mom's old beater up car and when the driving intructor(a big woman) got out of the car, she ripped her pants on a spring that somehow popped up right under her.LOL. I got an immediate failure. Don't be scared to drive, but always be cautious. Hopefully, next time you'll get someone new. Good luck and I'm sure that you'll pass.

  16. You'll pass eventually just pratice and be patient

  17. Practice, practice, practice and then try again! You'll get it.

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