
I just feel so lonely and empty?

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Well, I had a boyfriend that I can honestly say I loved. He was my everything. We were inseparable. I didn't think I could ever find anyone better, or that I would ever have to. Unfortunately, to my surprise, my parents decided to move across the country, and I obviously had no choice but to move too. (I'm 17.) I moved over a month ago, but I just feel so empty. I try to hide it, and have a good time and not think about it. But the truth is, he's on my mind always, I know that we can never be together now, but I can't help but cry every time I think about him, and I just hate it. I feel like I will never get over him, and even worse, I fear that i'll never be able to find someone I love as much as him. I start school in 2 weeks, and I hope I find someone I like. Not to sound conceded, but I know I'm attractive and i'll meet a lot of guys at school, but I don't feel like i'll ever connect with a guy on that level again. Any advice, tips, comments, anything?




  1. At 17 years of age,you have a long way to go.  You are going to have many more life experiences and this experience provides you with a good opportunity to learn an important lesson in life: you live through the "tragedies" of your life.  You pick up your marbles and move to another game.  Start focusing on your future and what you are going to do.  That is why, in my adolescent days, parents warned their children about becoming too involved with "relationships".  Relationships in adolescent years don't last and most that last adolescence don't last through adulthood because there are major changes.  I would not take your relationships seriously until you have decided on a career and have a stable financial base.  The same should be true of your boyfriend.  Otherwise, both of your lives are too open to major life changes, and major life changes, like moving, destroys relationships most of the time.  Like I said, you have a long road ahead of you.  Start planning it.  Best of luck!

  2. you're 17, you'll have lots more boyfriends, assuming you're as attractive as you say

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