
I just fell asleep after eating a turkey sandwhich and alot of broccoli, then woke up about 3 hours later...?

by  |  earlier

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should i be worried about anything cause there was nothing really fattening in this meal, but i still did go to sleep. without working any of it off or anything.




  1. usually carbs can make one sleepy....turkey has a nutrient, can't remember right now, that makes ppl sleepy...peanuts does the same thing, it may just be ur tired from weather, stress, or just ur tired lol!

  2. did you put chloroform in your food???

    or any other drugs????

  3. Turkey contains something called tryptophan.  It's the reason that turkey makes you sleepy.

    You really can't think of you day in terms of "did I work this meal off?"

    You will drive yourself insane.

    Instead think in the broader term of how many calories you ingest in a day compared to the amount of calories you use.  You really only need to take burn about 300 cal more than you take in a day to lose fat.

  4. i dont think you should be worried about anything...from the sound of it you dont do this all the time so you are going to be okay.....turkey makes you tired just keep that in mind and next time dont fall asleep so quickly

  5. when you rest

    you burn about 50 calories per hour

    turkey has a lot of protein (because it's a meat)

    and the bread has a lot of carbs

    and the broccoli (depending on how you cooked it) has energy

    you should never sleep right after eating

    preferably 2 hours after eating

    after your body has digested the food  

  6. You fell asleep because turkey has a natural ingredient in it that makes people sleepy, that is why at Thanksgiving a lot of people want to take a nap after eating the turkey diner.

    You should also steam your broccoli, it also feels you up and makes you tired. There is nothing at all for you to be worried about, you are not going to gain any weight because you fell asleep and did not work it off.

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