
I just fell out of an airplane with no parachute. What should I do?

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The ground seems to be getting closer.




  1. Turn off your laptop. You won't be needing it anymore.

  2. Ask God to forgive your sins, because you will almost certainly see him soon.

  3. You'll be dead before you hit the ground/sea. There is no breathable air until 10,000 feet. It'll take you quite a few minutes to get there. (from 35,000 feet--the average commercial aircraft cruising altitude) You'll die from lack of oxygen and cold. If you aren't in perfect health, you may also have a heart attack from the speed and rate of descent. (humans terminal velocity is 120 mph spread-eagled)

    assuming you make it to breathable air, or you were in a plane flying low

    if it's water down there, DIVE! make your body present the smallest possible area. A fall from 10,000 feet into water will kill you, but if ya feeling lucky, dive and a deep breathe would be in order.

    If its ground, stretch out, control your descent, take a spread-eagle position with you belly falling down first.

    You'll slow your speed and the human body can absorb much more Gs with a frontal impact. You entire front side will hit the ground evenly and at the same and time hopefully dissipate the energy and saving you.

    The human brain can withstand up to 100Gs of deceleration. Above that, the brain hits the inside of your cranium and gets smashed/destroyd. Hopefully you won't exceed that.

    50Gs is the limit for frontal impact without any life threatening injuries. Above that, some of your bones might go, and limbs might get dislocated. Don't count on your crash to rate below 50Gs

    this woman, I forgot her name, in WWII I think, fell from 22,000 feet into a huge hill of snow. If that is your case, go down like a needle feet first. The snow will compact under you feet gradually as you do into the snow and gradually slow your descent. The danger here is burying yourself alive. (or burying yourself for your death)

    if it really were me. I would take 2 seconds to think of my girl and then since my life's dream is to fly, I'll enjoy the moment until my death.

  4. First thing comes to mind is "PRAY"

  5. Hope you bounce.

  6. Close your eyes and don't look down!

  7. Try to get up to level 2 on Yahoo Answers. Then you can die happy.

  8. what kind of question is this

  9. first grab your knees placing your head between your legs...

    Then, pucker your lips slightly

    finally... kiss your *** goodbye

  10. there is still hope, try to relax your arms and legs to provide you strength as you land and make as much delay as possible. if this doesn't work out, you will be buried to the ground on your fall and you have a free funeral.

  11. Pretend your flying.. enjoy the bit of air you get before you hit that ground. :)

  12. Scream till you hit ground. lmao

  13. how high are you? i fallen out of my plane a number of times, but the plane was always stopped on the ground, what you should do is stand up

  14. Some people have been known to survive falling from planes without parachutes. A young girl survived such a fall over the Amazon jungle when her plane fell apart in a storm. Trees broke her fall and she managed to get out of the jungle by  following the flow of water; from rivulets to streams to rivers and eventually to the Amazon.After several weeks of desperation, hunger and danger from snake bites and all sorts of horrible creatures she stumbled into civilization once again. A film was made about it so...the moral of the story is that sometimes, even in desperate circumstances, a positive attitude will make all the difference,especially when you are lucky enough  to fall into a jungle without a parachute. Just thought I'd let you know!

  15. land head first and you should be fine!

  16. pray to god to somhow live

  17. pretend youre flying, duh :)

  18. Wow, what an original thought.

    I just don't know what to say, except buh-bye.

  19. best chance is to spread your body out, arms out, legs out, and try to make as much area open to slow your body down & then you land feet first (your feet & legs will break) but sometimes if your lucky that will take the impact & you just might have a slim chance of surviving.  

  20. I agree with the first two answers, oh well nice knowing ya bye  bye have nice trip  

  21. Walk toward the light

  22. in the words of michael jackson beat it

  23. The ground is essentially a school bully, if you ignore it, it will go away.

    Or if you try to be extremely clumsy you may be able to slip and miss the ground.

  24. enjoy the view while it lasts.

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