
I just figured i should give you guys on here some notice? (WQ)?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not really going to be here and active as i once was, i'm back in school and lately this section hasn't been too great. Nothing personal against anyone. Alot of things happening in my life so i will only be here every once and a while. I will return full time eventually, don't forget me now lol..

Shout out to my boys:



Niners fan AKA 4 horsemen

MN Heat

Age Of The Ripper

Brian R

Air Sabu


The Rock

Back When Edge Was Cool..

and many, many more...

***Feel free to email me, i'll still check it and check out and see how Y!A is doing***

WQ:Name the next 5 wrestlers to be inducted into the "future endeavors" club.




  1. I can respect any young man that is putting his school work first. Best of luck.


    Carlito, Super Crazy, Tony Chimel, Chuck Palumbo, and Maryse

  2. When was School ever fun in the first place?

    Yeah, I might e-mail you something sooner or later.

  3. I already figured you would be taking a break, it will affect the WS that's for sure. Not me so much as I have your email already, I know we will keep in touch...

    WA- Bob Holly, Paul London, Bam Neely, Kenny Dykstra, and Boogie Man...

  4. See you man. I wish to see you around full time too. I'm gonna start school too and might do something after it. I might not be able to use Y!A. Anyway, I wish you good luck. Please send an email to keep in touch  


  6. Good luck in school..thanks for the shout. I'm still going to be around so you'll see me whenever you check in. This section gets good on occassion only...but I get the feeling the good TC's will be back after the summer when the kids are back in school..and this section should get a whole lot better.

    WQ: Chuck Palumbo, Layla, Eve, Bam Neely, Charlis Haas (they are just not using him.)

  7. Good luck with school.

    WQ: Chuck Palumbo, Elijah Burke, Funaki, Super Crazy and Jimmy Wang Yang.

    I'd like for Super Crazy and Wang Yang to stay though.

  8. i have been busy with school , i try to get on here after my homework tring to get tc i have been on the wrestling section every since i have signed up for y!A , i will see you when you come back if you want to email i am fine with it.   wq//- jamie noble , funaki , kenny dykastra i really like the guy but he has attitude promblems , i think that will be it for that club.  

  9. ill be stayin on here. when you come back, email me and ill tell u whats up with this section

    paul burchill

    mike knox

    armando estrada

    katie lea

    jimmy yang

  10. Not another great user going for a bit... You are a awesome user and i love your questions, See you see dude.

    WQ -

    Charlie Haas



    I have a feeling Chuck Palumbo will as well.

    Hope to See you soon

  11. do what u gotta do..NOW A HEEL wont forget


  12. thanks for the shout out

    did you enjoy summerslam?

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