
I just finished breakind dawn but i cant really remember what eclipse was about can someone give me a qui?

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I just finished breakind dawn but i cant really remember what eclipse was about can someone give me a qui?




  1. Eclipse is about when the werwolfe's and the cullens join toghether to fight Victoria. She was Jame's mate. she has been raising new vampires so they can join her in battle. also that is when bella gets engaged to edward. another higlight is that jacob kissed bella she broke her hand and then edward got really pissed off but no fightin hapenned between edward nd jacob.  

  2. After the Cullens came back to Forks, Bella has a hard time dealing with the fact that she can't be friends with Jake anymore. Even though Jacob is a crude, brutless, dumb ***, Bella needs him in her life as well as Edward. Already making the decision of becoming a vampire, Bella has to deal with things that put her in danger. Victoria, red haired vampire, wants revenge because in Twilight James, her mate, was killed by the Cullen. Bella is torn between Jaocb and Edward in the end but promises to marry Edward ( thank god). Edward kills Victoria in the end and the Volturi come to Forks because of the Vampire War they just had. They noticed Bella wasn't a vampire still so they told them they had a set date. While Edward had one command, to marry him, so did Bella. Her command was to... 'do it'. Edward only said he would after they married, but in the end when they were in the meadow, he realize bella was only trying to make everyone happy, especially alice(she was to plan their wedding) so he decided to give up and cave into her demand but she would she wanted to do it after the wedding. int eh end they went to go tell charlie !


  3. Eclipse is the book where Victoria comes back to avenge James' murder and creates all the other new-born vampires as her 'army.'

    Hope this helps jog your memory :)

  4. victoria came back with an army of newborn vampires and bella had to decide edward or jacob

  5. jacob trys to get bella, he fails. Victoria comes back, there is a war and she dies. and the epilogue is from jakes pov. also edward and bella plain on gettin married and her becomming a vamp. also jake gets vry angry wehn he recieves adn invite and runs away

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