
I just finished my volunteer hours but i am supposed to write a letter??

by  |  earlier

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yai great i'm done finally but my school wants to see it i need to write a letter to show them but i really dont know what to write maybe you guys can give me an example thankss




  1. If you tell what you volunteered for maybe people could help you.

  2. Try asking the people that you volunteered for, or better yet, ask the person you are supposed to turn it in to.  They would know what they wanted better than anyone.

  3. Truth be told, I was going to do exactly what Jane did, but I didn't know if it was considered good form.

    For anyone looking for legitimate ways to volunteer, there are ample ideas on Y!A. Doing a quick search for "volunteer ideas" will provide you with plenty of honest ways to get active in your community.

  4. To the other people posting in answer to this person: If you read the other posts by this person today, you will read for yourself that she has NOT finished her community service hours -- she wants a letter that will make it sound like she does.

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