
I just formed a Group site (JAGCRNCOA). Is there any way I can make this a private site for members only?

by  |  earlier

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I don't want anyone who's just surfing the web and our group sites to be able to just come in. I want it to be members of the group only. Also, do the group members have to have a Yahoo account?




  1. I would suggest restricted membership- where you approve the memberships. a closed/ invite only is limited with concern to gaining members. a public open group is where memebrs can just join without approval and most don't like that.

    members do not need a yahoo ID however without it, they'll only be e-mail members wont wont be able to access group features like links, files and so on.

    mangement- under group settings click mebership- Membership Type and Welcome Message (Edit) <-- click the edit

    open = anyon can join

    restricted = you approve memberships

    closed = invitation only group and this choice cant be reversed

    click save changes

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