
I just found a baby kitten on the road what should i do with it???

by  |  earlier

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if you could help me that's great!! its black and white with spots and a siamese cat!!




  1. well you could take care of it or surrender it to a shelter where it can get medical care and find a new home. either way i am sure it will be in good hands. good luck

  2. call the RSPCA :)

  3. adopt it or take it to the humain society

  4. if its alive, call the nearest shelter, and someone will come and take it, good luck!

  5. take it straight to the vet or any place neerby that accepts cats if it doesnt have a collar or u could keep it but u should get it checked out b4 that just incase its sick

  6. After determining that the cat is not gravely injured or dangerously sick-- i.e., rabid-- take it to your local Humane Society or animal shelter.  The poor thing probably needs food, water, a good bath, and some affection!

    Then, if you want to, you'll be the proud owner of an adorable, healthy kitten :)  If not, the animal shelter will keep it until it finds a new owner.

    Good luck!

  7. i actually right now have a 1 day old kitten which im taking care of.if the kittens eyes and ears are open and its walking around then u can feed it kitten food.

    if not then go to your local wal-mart, ace hardware, or winn-dixie and go to the pet aisle there is a formula for baby kittens and puppies (bout $4)which comes in a small can get that and a tiny syringe(50 cents) without the needle and warm up the milk and feed it.

    since it doesnt have its mother anymore u will need to get a washcloth or paper towel and damp it with water and take it and rub the kittens private parts which will make the kitten pee and p**p and thats about it good luck!

  8. It really depends on how old it is, if its not to young just keep it warm and give it some food and water till you can get to a vet, if its a very young kitten you should take it to the vet ASAP as they need feeding every 2 hours with a milk substitute.

  9. you could: Call the SPCA and they could help you. also you could take it to the vet and get it shots and everything and keep it or sell it to someone.

  10. Keep it warm, feed it make sure there is not a mommy cat looking for it. Call vets or humane society cat groups and pet stores. Or maybe you want a pet? Put up pics in case someone has lost it. Good luck.  

  11. Ask around to friends and family to see if they want it.

    You could also post little signs around town with "Free Kittens" and your number and see who wants them.

    Or you could of course give them to the local humane society. :)

    But DO NOT abandon them. PLEASE. :)

    Take care,

    Best answer?? ;)




  12. omg give it to me!! i love cats!  

  13. First you need to find out its age....

    1 wk- get to the vet asap, they cant walk and chaaven't opened their eyes yet

    2wks- ears are flat and might not have opened their eyes- vet asap

    3 wks- starting to walk and eears might be down and milky blue eyes also vet asap

    4 wks-  this is the age they can get along w/o mom, they can wwalk pretty well and can eat solid food. Might want to bring to vet

    if it's eyes are no loonger , blue (but siamese can have blue eyes normally) and it can walk and has teeth start by serving it chicken broth with a spoon, NOT milk! If it as teeth then go to the store and buy some soft kitten food and feed it. Then you should look around where you found it for mom, but she is probly long gone. If you don't want it the shelter will take it because they always have room for kittens. But no matter what a trip to the vet or shelter is a good idea weather u r kjeeping it or not. The shelter will also help with age and what it needs even if you want to keep it.

  14. what ever you do do not give it to what ever other's say!(i just don't know the name! so?) take care of it if you can and if not sale it or take care of it or take care of it you can't sale it can you?! just take great care of it it's your pet now! :)

  15. I would suggest calling the local animal shelter and ask if there are any reports about lost cats. Then post signs. We found a lost puppy and did that, we also listened for people calling for the dog. Hope this helps.

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