
I just found a baby mouse in my house and I put it in a small tank, how should I take care of it?

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I just found a baby mouse and managed to put it in a little tank I have. The mouse is so little I don't think it has even opend it's eyes. I want to keep it as a pet or at lest untell it is older. I have some hamster feed, would it be okay to feed it that? Also do you think it would have any desease at such a young age?

PLZ help




  1. ..Unless you lost a pet mouse, it's wild. Let it go, it's very possible it will die without it's mother anyway. Wild mice don't eat hamster food,so no hamster food is not going to work.

  2. Take it back to where you found it. NOW. It needs its mother if its eyes haven't opened yet. It's probably going to die now that it's been separated from cold and not having the mother's milk. Are you stupid?

    No, hamster feed isn't okay. It does not have the right mix of nutrients. Mice are not desert dwellers like hamsters or gerbils.

    If it hasn't opened its eyes yet it is too young for solid food anyway.

    Yes, it probably already has a disease. They are congenital in most cases, meaning it was born with them.

  3. It needs its mother if its just a baby. It's might still die now that it's been separated so u need to mother this baby and keep it warm and safe! Can you find the mother??

    No, hamster feed isn't okay. It doesnt have the best foods but pet stores have mouse food normally. If it hasn't opened its eyes yet it is too young for solid food anyway so you need to find out what it can eat.

    Yes, it probably already has a disease. They are congenital in most cases, meaning it was born with them.But to make sure you can talk 2 a vet.

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