
I just found a bong in my 16 year olds car.?

by Guest10647  |  earlier

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What should I do about this. He doesn't know I found it yet because he is still asleep.




  1. As soon as he wakes up and he is fully awake, talk to him about it, and show him the bong, and ask him why he is using it, and how he got it etc, and got a hold of the weed. I think you and your spouse should talk to him together, and speak to him about it, and tell him how you feel about the bong in the car. Explain to him that smoking weed can be dangerous. IF you need to, take him to a counselor, and hopefully your son can get some help. Also encourage him to tell the truth, and do not allow him to lie to you.

  2. You can't just have him quit cold turkey... It's not that easy... Have someone help him go through without smoking pot. I personally have never smoked pot, but i've seen people having trouble stopping.

    Good Luck.

  3. Just ask him if its his, and if hes smoking pot.

    If so, get rid of it, and ground him for a while

  4. first use it for about an hour

    second wake him up

    third beat the c**p out a him cuz he wouldnt share

  5. You are adult.

    Deal with it.

    Most of the people on here are 16 themselves.

  6. Use it dude! I mean h**l the President admitted to smoking weed--it's a rite of passage... kids should be allowed to make their own decisions without self-righteous parental beratement. Besides, what were you doing in his car anyway? If you were my parent, I'd sue you for trespassing if you made a big deal about that.  

  7. Leave a note in it. Then put it back where you found it. It will really freak him out!

  8. First, be sure to express your concern about his health and well being.  Try not to yell.  He will be more deeply affected by your words if he sees that you are disappointed and hurt by his actions.  

    And be sure to discuss the fact that it is ILLEGAL.  Does he know what could have happened if he were pulled over for a minor traffic violation and the cops decided to search the car?  If there is any kind of resin on the bong, he will get arrested for minor in possession of drug paraphernalia.  Even if it is not his, it is in his car, so it is definately his problem.  Please try to explain this to him.  He does not want a police record!!!

  9. ask him if he'd like to smoke out, but tell him you dont have your pipe, and see what happens, lol I am just kidding. Go wake him up and ask him why he has a bong in his car

  10. god, everyone my age smokes pot. pretty much pisses me off. ground him.

  11. Talk to him, tell him what you're feeling.

    I'd wake him up.

    Confront him as soon as possible.

    It could lead to worse things.

  12. you should start talking about how disapointed you would be if he ever got into drugs and put it into great detail in the begining of the day but make it look like it was just randomly and u didnt find a bong in his car ...then later that day if he doesnt confess himself say that you found a bong in his car and then take his car away  

  13. Before you found it, how did you think of him?  Is he generally a good kid, does he get good grades, does he hang out with decent people?

    If he is doing fine, leave him alone.  Maybe let him know you found it but you are okay with it as long as he doesn't let it get in the way of his future and his family or friends.  If you've done it yourself or had friends that did, share some stories.. both good and bad.

    There is also a good chance that he's just storing it for a friend or h**l -- a friend might have left it in there on accident and he has no idea.  There is no reason to be accusatory on the issue.

    If it's a really big deal (which, it really isn't, but regardless), sit down with him and tell him how you feel about it.  In all honesty, if you choose this approach, you don't really have much evidence supporting your anti-pot attitude.  In my opinion, it's much better that he's smoking weed and you found a bong instead of a beer bong or a bottle of hard alcohol.  h**l, maybe he does it to relax before a test or calm down while studying.

    Even if you disapprove of him doing it, as long as he is making something of himself just let him be.  Once it starts getting in the way of his priorities, then is when you should bring it back up to him and tell him that he should cut back.  Just let him know that you're there for him and you don't want to see him mess up.

    There are plenty of every day people that smoke and are happy and quite successful and you'd never realize it.

  14. time for intervention

  15. its just weed... if you tell him not to he will still do it... if you drug test him he will probably start doing acid and untraceable drugs... talk to him maybe threaten a drug test and try to make sure he doesnt move onto harder drugs... p.s. if he has a bong he has been smoking for a while and does it a lot probably.  he will tell you he doesnt but he does

  16. your son also got me pregnant.

    if you could ask him when he'll start paying child support when your asking about the bong that would be great.


  17. well he will know soon as you ignite his car with that, your not only wake him but your TEACH HIM 2. how does he like his new teacher... LET'S JUST HOPE HE FINDS HER HOTT LMAO JK

  18. nothing, it probably is a friends or something. You already know he smokes pot just be happy hes doing that and not drinking and driving or doing meth.

  19. Wake him up by throwing it at him and see what he has to say for himself.  

  20. search his car for any more pot or pipes and just store them all. A bong is a big investment so i dont think hes smoking every once in a while so i would step in. Keep if for a day or two and see if he says anything. I would personally get to the point to look through his room... i know most parents think thats an invasion of privacy but if he spent up wards of 500 bucks and the low point of 50 on a bong then he uses it pretty often. Look gather any drug and pipes bongs ect and have them all layed out for when he gets home from school or from some where if hes not in school yet. Dont yell stay calm and talk to him about it. My cousin went from pot to meth and to this day wishes her mom would have stepped in and stopped  her when she found out she was just smoking pot. shes not on meth now thank god.

  21. Hehehe,  I wouldn't worry to much.  My mom found a bong in my sisters room few years ago. Well, don't wake him up and cause a big scene. I would just store it away, wait till the next day, and mention that you need to have a talk wit him/her. When my mom confronted my sister, her answer was "It's not mine"...thats what they all say i guess. It's usually something kids grow out of most of the time, he's only 16, he's experimenting.  

  22. Bong him with it.

  23. i would def. wake him up confront him about it.. take his car privileges away and punish him for a little while let him know how you feel about it..

  24. chill out.

    At least hes just smoking weed,instead of snorting coke or being an alcoholic.

    You will need to have a talk with him,but the thing is even if you tell him to stop,he wont.

    How do i know this?-- because i am a teen as well a a pot smoker myself.

    My dad found out that i was smokig,and told me i needed to stop,but did i stop-- No.

    Let him make his own mistakes,how else will he learn?

  25. Unfortunately it's part of being a teen these days. If you come down too hard he will do it more, but if you show him that you can be a parent, but also a "friend" that he can be open with (I say friend loosely) then he may respect your wishes more and feel more comfortable being honest and staying clean

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