
I just found a dead spider in my room, did it lay eggs before it died

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I found this small dead spider up against the bottom of the wall under my window in my bedroom. I have a huge fear of them (arachnophobia I guess--I have had panic attacks from finding them). Anyways, I know this probably sounds really stupid to ask this question, but like I said I have a HUGE fear of spiders. Has this spider I found dead in my room maybe laid eggs in there somewhere then die?




  1. Don't fret - the chances are it hasn't laid eggs in your room. Spiders are very picky when it comes to choosing the right environment for their eggs, and your bedroom probably wasn't the dark, damp, humid and quiet place it was looking for.

  2. you been watching too much animal planet

  3. O hai y dnt u call meh i will eat it!

  4. Well, first of all think about how or why the spider died. Do you have pest control at home or an apartment you might live in? If so it might be dead from that and might have not had a chance to lay eggs. The best way to find out if their are any egg sacs is to look for cob webs in corners and under furniture and any nook and cranny you can find. Seeing how your are scared of spiders and probably don't want to investigate any further, I suggest you hire a professional to fog the premises.  

  5. It probably didn't lay eggs. The spider most likely died because it was just trapped in your house and it couldn't find a way out or couldn't find enough bugs to catch in your house to eat.

  6. It's ok...I have a huge spider fear too...I have to call my son to kill them! Anyway if it's a little one you probably won't see much. Spiders usually lay eggs in a clump bound up with a non-sticky web. If you find what looks like a small ball of thread nearby, then just get a tissue (or a friend with a better grip!) and flush the thing down the toilet. You might want to get some natural bug spray and give your window and wall a spritz...just to calm yourself. It is the time of year when spiders die of natural causes in many areas, I live in Maine and it is already getting chilly at night so they are dying. Don't let the teasing get to you...the fear of bugs and spiders in a very popular one and lots of people have it. Give your room a good cleaning and you won't have cobwebs and dust to bring in the bugs. Good luck!

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