
I just found a human arm?

by  |  earlier

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I just moved in and there was just a bunch of junk in the basement. Like bricks and firewood and among that I found an arm. Its like bluish and the finger nails are kind of yellow looking.

What the h**l should I do, it seems weird?




  1. Is this a joke?  If you really did find an arm you need to contact the police right away and the landlord of the unit.  This is a crime scene and must be treated as such.  Do not touch it or anything around it.  If you have your rental papers you can show them to the police and tell them that you had just moved in.

  2. Wow lol. Try to find the rest of the body =P

  3. i would keep it that is cool ^_^

  4. wow, stuff like that never happens to me.   I would be kinda scared, but its something to tell you grandkids.  Don't touch anything, and call the police.  Because of CSI, they will know you didn't do anything.

  5. What should you do? Call the police, immediately.

  6. u schould call the police and tell them.

    u dont know whose arm tht is and wut kind of person is lookin for the person who *might* hav died.

    thtss freaky!

    i would move. tht thing will probably giv u nightmares in tht house and plus it will be scary livin there.

  7. GET RID OF THE ARM AND NEVER TOUCH IT AGAIN!! and make sure you wash yourself off really well, because that arm could've had a disease or something on it that you don't want to catch.

    it could also be infested with bugs.

  8. First call the cops. Then move.


  10. Save it for Halloween  :P

  11. It is weird. I think you had probably better turn that over to the police department.  It may be proof of foul play somewhere along the line.  Either that, or your arm will end up in the Museum of Natural History as proof that the Neanderthal roamed in your area.

  12. Tell the police.


    That's not something you want to find in your new house.

    Don't worry, I'm sure its not 'Armful!!

    Sorry, that was a rubbish joke.

  13. Thats funny.....

    A few years back a guy rented a storage unit and found a BBQ grill with a leg inside. He tried to sell it on EBAY.  Not till then the owner found out, A man who lost his leg in a crash and wanted to keep it but forgot about placing it in the storage unit, asked for it back.  The finder declined and said it was now his fare and square.  The amputee sued and I thing there was a settlement.

    Either you are tampering with evidence, or you might make some money.

    Call homicide investigations, and don't touch a thing.  You may have a chance to solve a mystery.

  14. You have to call the police!!!!!!!!!! If you don't than you can go to prison for unreported evidence (human remains)

  15. Put an advertisement in the paper and ask if anyone has lost an arm.

  16. That's what happens when you buy a second hand home...

  17. wtf...ring up the police and have it checked out...

  18. Are you for real or just want some attention?

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