
I just found an account my husband has...what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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My husband is registered with "Adult Friend Finder"...something I just found about two minutes ago. His profile says that he's looking for one on one, a three way, a discreet relationship, and some other things I just don't want to think about. He's included me in this whole thing (three way). What do I do now? A "discreet relationship"...that's obviously not meant to include me...




  1. Looks like you are having serious chats with your husband tonight as there maybe alot more going on than you realise, but what you must do now before he gets home is to photocopy his page at friend finder and hide it in a good spot, because this is evidence if things turn ugly.

  2. I think he's not satisfied with his s*x life. He wants to spice up and he fantasizes with a three way. At least he include you in his fantasies..

    If you are not open to do any of this just talk with him, try to stay calm and ask him what exactly needs. Maybe you guys have an opportunity to improve your s*x life,  maybe watch some p**n together...

    I guess if he is doing this is maybe just a big fantasy in his head.

  3. sign up for this service and email him pretending you are interested.  Be sure to make copies of all communications.  Then confront him. Be sure to keep several copies,one to a lawyer if needed.  

  4. I'm totally with the person who said to sign up for another account and answer him and see what happens.  That should be a real eye-opener.

  5. First of all i would confront him regarding the "Adult Friend Finder" then i would listen to his response... do not respond until he has completed the quick witted lie he will probably come up with!

    Then i would say.. Well, honey i didn't know you felt that way!  I will contact the divorce attorney first thing in the morning so you can have the very exciting single life you obviously yearn for!

    If a man truly loves you, you will be enough!  If he needs another women in the mix.. sorry it was lost already. (Unless of course you agree with him.. then more power to ya!)

  6. confront him about it!  

  7. Make sure it is him.  How did you find him on there??  I am sure he has an answer ready - or he just doesn't care.  Some people need what they need.  Regardless if you two have any intimacy problems, he should have come to you first and told you what he wanted or what he was going to do.  He is not just going to stop now.  

  8. Ask him if he has lost his mind. That you have no intentions of sharing him with no one and if he thinks he is going to cheat he can either go to counseling or get a divorce .  

  9. Confront him about it.  Only he knows what his intentions are.

  10. He's looking for some excitement in his s*x life. Confront him about what you found. He may be doing some preliminary research before letting you in on the program. However, people looking for a 'discreet' relationship are usually up to no good. Good luck.

  11. oh im id be pissed!...i would confront him and tell him how hurt you are, and ask him how he could do this to you!

  12. Sounds like you need to sit down and talk with him before you go assuming the worst.  Be frank and direct and don't back down. With all the diseases out there... scary to think about that stuff now...


  14. He's obviously bored in the relationship and looking for some spice.

    Having said that, is his bark bigger than his bite?  would he actually go through with it.  I know of some guys who have registered (bragged about it) and I know they would not go through with it but it builds their male macho ego and makes them think they still "have it."

    I also understand, most of those sites are a rip off, there are few if any females registered and they send out emails from fictitious newly registered to keep them on the hook and paying out.

    I would say your hubby got suckered and is more guilty in mind than anything else. Give him a good whooping and then sc-r-e-w- his brains out and he will probably never do that again.

  15. First of all if he has a threesome I just want to remind you he is breaking the UCMJ that is the same if he is secretly sleeping with someone other then you his wife. The risk of disease is great! Get tested now and request a test for HPV or they won't do that test.  

  16. T+R+O+U+B+L+E

    Simple as that.

    You need to talk...through the night...and get to the bottom of this.  

  17. I think you should confront him about your findings.  Maybe before you do you should prepare yourself for the worst.  I am not choosing sides, cuz I don't know the entire story...every story has two sides.  But from what you have shared, it seems that your relationship is in trouble.  Sometime, it is a good thing to really look at your relationship closely.  I know at this point and time you are probably pissed and ready to rip his head off his shoulders, but remember yelling will not get you guys anywhere.  Good Luck!

  18. Print out his profile acc page first for evidence and keep it [if you end up divorcing later or find him cheating--not to give you bad thoughts already lol] then just ask him about it.

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