
I just found my rabbit had babies! What should I do? Help Please!!?

by  |  earlier

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I went outside this afternoon and I saw she had pulled fur out of her belly and made a nest.There are some babys in there. I havent touched them yet and im not sure how many there are. What should I do? Please Help!!!




  1. ooo i luv babie bunnies lol my rabbit had six babies but the runt Tiny died R.I.P Tiny and the others were Thumper, Trixie, Casper(AKA)Booger lol ,oddball, and baby Eragon(one of my cats killed him:((() and when she had them we touched them about 4 or 5 days after she had them caz we called a vet and asked when we could handle them and they said right after they have them so i would try handleing them now seeing as it will get them socialized better... Good Luck with your babies:)))

  2. I think that the best option would to be, to remove the mother, as i have heard of them attacking the cubs, and put the babies in a box and keep them inside in a warm environment,  See how they go over nIght, if ANY  change happens, get them to your nearest vet immediatly.

    good luck!

  3. You can check to see how many  babies there are if the mama is okay with it.  You need to get any dead ones that are in there, if there are any.  Leave them alone for at least 10 days, by then they will have their eyes open and fur.  Don't waste your time trying to see if the mama is feeding her babies, they only do this at night.  If you do happen to check up on them (I always do) and see they are very thin, then you have to worry about either hand feeding them, grafting them on to another mama, or forcing their mama to feed them.  Most rabbits are good with taking care of their kits (babies).  Most people will say not to touch them whatever you do, but sometimes its necessary.  The mama won't kill them or anything if she trusts you.  By 4-6 weeks, or sometimes 8, you can start to wean them and s*x them.  Keep boys with boys and girls with girls.  They'll start to eat pellets whenever they are ready, so don't worry if it takes them a while.  Your mama may act kinda nervous whenever you're around, which is normal.  If she doesn't want petted, respect her space.  Hope this answers most of your questions!

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