
I just found out I'm four weeks pregnant, I just wanted to ask a few questions?

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Is there any foods I shouldn't be eating at all and any particular ones I should eat - I am a vegetarian apart from chicken and turkey. What milk should I take - was thinking of super milk. Can I take my multibionta vitamins? Was also wondering what the best exercise is?




  1. You should google it or try looking it up on yahoo or if that doesn't help ask our doctor. Best Of Luck

  2. Take Folic acid pills ..lots of fresh fruit and veg ...a balanced diet .. cut down on caffeine , tea & coffee and cola peanuts coz apparently they may cause your baby to have allergies,  no alcohol, no soft cheeses coz of bacteria, no pate, no soft icecream like Mr Whippy, McFlurry etc. coz of listeria, salmonella, not too many eggs either ... ..... but lots of oily fish for the Omega3 is good , also dark chocolate for iron .. see? its not all bad !!  ...

    Exercise .. keep excercising as you normally would ...swimming is particularly good .. see if your local pool has AQUA NATAL classes, I found them brilliant and I met lots of new friends too ..

    There are several vitamins like PREG A DAY ..if you are in UK .. but its best to book an appt and talk to your community midwife or GP for professional advice ...

  3. Lots of info here

    Avoid some fish (like Swordfish!!) but eat some oily fish twice a week if you can (if you eat fish). Avoid pate, raw eggs, mayonnaise etc, peanuts (in case of allergies)

    All the best and congrats! -x-

  4. Just eat healthy and make sure all your fruit and veg is washed well. If you are eating chicken or turkey (any meats) they must be hot you can not have cold pressed meats as it is bad bacteria that goes to the placenta which the baby feeds off. Elevet is the best multi to ba on and any milk should be fine. Any exercise is ok just dont over do it. Bike riding though is not a good idea at all when preg as it puts to much pressure on you insides. Walking is always the best. Congrats ans good luck.

  5. Hi,

    Foods to avoid are:

    Unpasterised cheese-Brie etc(soft cheeses)



    Mayonaisse from deli

    Shell fish

    Milk of any kind is good for you as you need calcium. I use low fat mile, but as I said you need the milk for calcium for you babys growing bones, and for your own teeth and bones so any is good.

    Multi-vitamins as far as I know should be avoided as Vitamin A can be harmful for your baby. It is never wise to supplement on vitamins unless subscribed by your doctor(if you are lacking in something).

    You should be taking folic acid until 12weeks.


    Water aerobics


    Gym(let the instructers know your pregnant and they will modify your work out accordingly)

    Hope this helps and


  6. congratulations.....

    first off just because you are pregnant doesn't mean that you have to start doing lots of exercise just continue as normal..

    exercise such as swimming is really good in pregnancy and walking.. and the more walking you do and light exercise its supposed to make it easier to give birth!!

    Alcohol, cigarettes and Drugs are a big NO NO,

    the only other things that you are should stay away from is unpasteurized products such as cheeses.. ( Stilton etc) and mayo i have been told.. if you google pregnancy on the net i am sure that you will find a lot of information that you will find interesting and helpful.

    irecommendt babycentre ..

    good luck..

  7. You're not a vegetarian if you eat Chicken and Turkey, sorry. As for your other questions, I'm not sure how to awnser :(

  8. Congratulations! You need to avoid:-

    * cured meats (e.g. prosciutto ham)

    * pate

    * soft/mould ripened/unpasteurised cheeses

    * seafood

    * tuna (only one can per week)

    * "soft" (whippy) ice cream

    * soft boiled eggs

    You should also wash all fruit and veg.  As to milk, I don't know what super milk is but to ensure you are taking the right vitamins there are specific ones for pregnant mums - in UK it is Pregnacare.

    Unfortunately be prepared to feel pretty sick for the next 8 weeks.  I ate a lot of crisps and toast with marmite to take this away.

  9. You should Google foods for pregnant vegetarians.  Failing that Folate, Elevit Multivitamins, and folic acid are all good, I take them and I have been ttc for over a year

    Good luck and best wishes

  10. when you first see your midwife she will tell you what's good and whats not.  

  11. Best person to ask these question is your doctor.  

  12. All meat's are ok as long as they are cooked thouroughly, any milk is fine-i use green or blue topped milk (semi/full fat) no soft cheeses like brie, no sushi, not too much caffeine, no carbonated drinks, and not any vitamins that aren't recommended whilst pregnant. I take Pregnacare Vitamins from Superdrug, it has RDA of folic acid-which prevents the baby from having spinal/brain damages, and RDA of OMEGA-3 which helps the brain and eye development, these vitamins can be taken before conception, start to finsih of pregnancy and whilst breast feeding, Expensive...£12.99 but soo worth it as it stopped my morning sickness too, but at the mo it's buy one get one free at Superdrug x hope i've helped x I'm 28 weeks pregnant so if you have any other question, just drop me an e mail hunny xx good luck and congratulations xx

  13. You should take a prenatal/pregnancy multivitamin as normal ones can contain things you shouldn't have too much of.

    Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and carbs to keep your energy up. More importantly, drink plenty of water.

    Avoid liver, pate, soft cheese, blue cheese, veined cheese, too much oily fish, raw/undercooked meat & fish, unpasteurised milk & mayo, coleslaw, undercooked/raw eggs and peanuts if there is a history of eczema in your family. Good luck x

  14. everyone's already answered with the foods to avoid - but just to add an extra that a few people don't know (or it isn't relevent to them) - you can't have McDonald's milkshakes - there's a risk of listeria poisoning.

    Was very upset when I heard that, The milkshake is the only thing i like from there and often sneak in one when near a drive-thru...

  15. take folic acid and some vitamins,nuts,

  16. You should avoid unpastuerised cheese (such as brie, stilton), peanuts, large fish such as swordfish, shark & marlin (contain high mercury levels), shellfish, raw fish.

    As for vitamins, I'd stick to a multivitamin specially formulated for pregnancy such as Pregnacare. You must take 400mcg of folic acid- this will be prescribed by yr midwife or if you aare taking a pregnancy vitamin it will contain yr recommended daily amount! per day to reduce the risk of neural tube defects.

    As for what to eat, a usual healthy diet is good!

    ALSO- try to take plenty of water, constipation is very common in pregnancy! xx


  17. if your a vegetarian the why do you eat chicken  

  18. Generally you are meant to stay away from foods that give rise to allergies - shellfish and peanuts mainly. Unpasteurised cheese (brie, camembert, etc) and pates is a no go as this can cause food poisoning. Eat lots of fruit and veg, brown bread and cereal. White fish is good because it is full of Omega-3 (brain food). You can drink any milk it makes no difference. Take multivitamins which are specifically made for pregnant women - there is a vitamin which you are not meant to have when pregnant.

    Walking or swimming is good (jogging not a good idea); yoga or aqua-aerobics is good but tell the trainer you are pregnant.

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