
I just found out I'm pregnant and want any advice you can give!!?

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So I just found out I am pregnant. I'm only 4 weeks along. This is going to be our first child. Also, were not married and my parents aren't going to be to happy about that. So if you have any advice on telling the fam or whatnot I wanna know about that too. But I'm up for any helpful advice you wanna give! Thanks so much!




  1. Tell them as soon as possible.

    You don't state your age so it is kind of hard to give you any more advice.

  2. Be sure to educate your self as much as possible on your pregnancy and your child. As for telling your parents just come out and tell them. What's it gonna hurt? Ps if you need any personal advice feel free to chat with me I'm almost 8 weeks.

  3. Congratulations and tell them married or not it should not reflect the joy of a new life and becoming Grandparents.

  4. educate yourself about pregnancy and birth. it's never too early to do so and you will have a better pregnancy if you know what is going on with yourself and your baby. no two pregnancies are alike and so many people on here freak themselves out because they have or don't have certain symptoms that other people they know.

    i suggest reading the book "the thinking woman's guide to a better birth"  as well as "the pregnancy bible" (which i think is better than "what to expect"

  5. first off. CONGRATULATIONS!

    Just dont stress about anything. How long have you 2 been together? If you guys have been together for awhile, and your scared of what your parents will think, Then maybe get married ASAP and then after wards tell everyone your pregnant? If not, just be up front with them, and tell them they can either support you or they can disaprove and leave it at that, but no one can change anything. So they should be happy for you.

    Anyways, if you havent already yet. Call your doctor so you can get checked out to make sure everything is going alright =]

  6. be happy and relax as much as possible thru out ur pregnancy  

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