
I just found out i'm pregnant, BUT...?

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How can I tell my mum?

I know she will eventually come around to the Idea but its all the agro until she does.

Im 18 and very happy, every1 is happy for me anf my fiance

has any1 else been in the same position?

any ideas on what to do?

thanks :)




  1. Hi: Tell them if you don't plan to get married right away. Ask for their advice and council. If U marry right away tell them after U get married and give your explaniation. Alway be honest to your parents.. Have a good day.  

  2. i was scared to tell my mom to and thats that i am 22 years old she hates my boyfriend and i couldnt bring myself to do it so one day on th phone i said mom do you feel old and she said yes y and i said well your going to feel alot older your going to be a grandma she was a little shocked and upset at first but she cant wait good luck im sure it wont be  bad its a grandbaby

  3. You just have to tell her. You and your fiance need to sit down with her and explain the situation. Its better not to beat around the bush. Good luck

  4. I bought my parents little onesies that said 'I love grandma' and 'I love grandpa' and then wrapped them and gave them to them as presents. I was a bit freaked out as well (I'm 19 and got married in August of last year) but they thought it was cute!

  5. Just tell her the truth. Your an adult. Your engaged so I am assuming that you live on your own and support yourself. There should be nothing to be mad about! Was she angry when you got engaged so young?

  6. It would be best to tell her before she finds out from someone else. It may be unpleasant, but she'll come around. Just don't argue with her, no matter what she says. Try not to take what she says too personally, either. Tell her that you're sorry about the shock, but that you're happy that you're having a baby. Then just give her some time to come to terms with it. Once she has, she'll probably be happy to help out, especially once you have the baby. :)

  7. When I found out I was pregnant I took pictures of the positive test on my camera... I wasn't going to tell anyone so soon, but my brother saw them on my camera... he went on to tell everyone.

    Good luck!

  8. I was in your same position but I'm 25 and engaged and pregnant. It was hard telling my mom because she moved away when I was 15 so she still remembers be as a 15 year old to some extent I guess. Anyways I just told her and at first she wasn't happy at all but she eventually came around. She even ended up throwing me a surprise baby shower when I came out to visit her. It will probably be a shock to your mom at first but after a couple months she should start to change her feelings. Good luck and congrats!

  9. i think she will be happy for you. dont worry about it i mean your going to have to tell her sooner or later right and she might get upset if you dont tell her right away.

  10. Honestly, At 18 years old I don't think that you are entirely ready to take care of a child.... for crying out loud your not even allowed to drink yet. Your a baby yourself. At this point and time in your life you should be focused on pursuing a career. Well.... what is done is done, and everything happens for a reason. Try being upfront with her. Tell her mom, I know I am young but I am pregnant and instead of hiding this from you and being sneaky and deceitful behind your back I want you to know that I am having this baby and your support is needed in my time of need.  

  11. You can chose to wait until you are around 12 weeks. Most people's babies are more safe after that time frame from losing it. I personally told my mom right away. I knew she would be happy for me and I chose to tell my dad right away even though I KNEW he would be mad. I think when you are ready you will know when to mention it. Each person's family is different and I chose to tell my dad even though knowing he would be mad because I wanted to give him the choice to be in the child's life or not.. and I wanted to not make him feel left out. (My parents don't live together)

    It is your mom and I think she will support you the best that she can.


    i found these websites sorry i couldn't give you a better answer


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