
I just found out i have genital herpes. can i spread the disease by sitting on the toilet or sharing soap?

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or sharing a drink or by masterbating?




  1. no, the virus sometime die immediately after exposure to air but I read it on a documentary that said it may last up to 2 or 8 hours? If you're that afraid, I'd advice you to clean the seat before you actually sit on it. I put at least 6 toliet paper around the seat before I sit on any public toliet. Or if I can hold my urine, I'd just wait till i'm back home to use the toliet...As for sharing a drink or by masturbating...yes. THere are cases where people may contract herpes simplx type 1 from sharing drink. And always wash your hand before you m********e ...i'd advice you only m********e during shower just to be safe cuz who knows when you would touch your cold sore then touch your genital area.

  2. No to all of your questions regarding genital herpes, but its great that you care because as you know, some people don't care at all about spreading it.

  3. Don't listen to the guy that said you can get herpes by masturbating.  That is false.  Listen up.  Many people spread false info about herpes so be careful about where you get info.  Let me break it down for you.

    There is herpes type 1 and 2.  Sixty to eighty percent have type 1.  One out of every four women have type 2.  One out of every five men have type 2.  When you contract either type of herpes, it takes about six weeks for you body to build up immunities.  During that time, self-reinfection is possible.  After that six weeks, you cannot infect youself anywhere else on your body.  The immunites only build up for that distinct type of herpes.  So, I you have had type 1 for six weeks, you are immune and cannot re-infect youself OR have someone else infect you on you body with type 1, BUT you can still get herpes type 2.  Though type 1 usually occurs at the mouth and type 2 at the genitals, you can get them in opposite sites.  

    That being said, herpes can be spread by sharing a drink IF you have herpes type 1 or 2 of the mouth.  You need to be tested to find out though.  Plus, a test will only tell you that you have type 1 or 2, it won't pinpoint the exact position of it on the body.  If you only have type 2 of the genitals, then no, you cannot spread it by sharing a drink.  BUT, if you have type 2 of the genitals and type 1 of the mouth, then yes, you can spread type 1 by sharing a drink.

    You cannot spread herpes by sharing soap AS LONG AS YOU DON'T PASS IT TO THEM RIGHT AFTER YOU FINISHED USING IT.  Also, as long as you aren't having an outbreak with fluid coming off the sores.  A toilet as fine as well as long as fluid from an outbreak doesn't get on the toilet and they use it immediately after you.

    Viruses cannot survive long outside the body and they start to die immediately when exposed to air.  That is why it would be very hard to transfer herpes via toilet seat, unless you were having an outbreak and fluid from your sore rubbed off on the seat.  Even then, someone would have to use the toilet fairly quickly for them to contract it.

  4. sitting on the urine or f***s is left on the toilet after you use it and someone else sits on it with a cut or their private area...yess....sharing soap?? if you rub the bar of soap all over your body and so does the next person...yes....sharing a drink....yes but only if the person that drinks after you has an open sore in or around their mouth.....masterbating-----equals you only touching you....so0o nooo....not unless someone else is doin this to you and has an open sore on there hands.....i hope i helpeed you out

  5. No, no, and no. Herpes is a contact disease. It can only be spread by direct skin to skin contact.

  6. herpeset stops the spread and outbreaks, it works really good get more info at the link below

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