
I just found out im having identical twins!!?

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Well, yesterday! I live in the UK, and i have 2 children. One is 9 years old and my other is only 5 and a half months and twins on the way. So i obviously had the shock of my life when i was told lol :D Anyway, i was wondering, because i have no idea about anything to do with twins or just anything at all about the situation, what help would i get. I mean, im on maternity leave at the moment, and my partner is working full time. Im worried about the money situation!! And im obviously going to have to have my partener at home with me to help me, i wont be able to look after 3 kids under the age of 1 on my own!! So is anyone or does anyone know anyone in the same situation as me? Any help or tips would be very much appreciated.

Thank you :) xx




  1. sorry - just wanted to say congrats on twins - double the joy!

  2. Congratulations Twins are God Blessing, Take care in you pregnanacy so your babies can grwo and weight alot ..

  3. I think the best thing for you to do is come up with a schedule, maybe one similar to what a child care would have. This could help keep track of feedings naps and diaper changes...then hopefully you can get all threee young ones on the same schedule so you don't constantly have a bottle in your hand. This is my plan if I ever have twins. About money ...I'm not sure what advice to give you sorry.

  4. You will do ok, you won't need your husband there all of the time, he'd better stay working.  My sister has 2 under the age of 1 1/2, a 5 year old, and an 8 year old.  You can do it if she does.  

  5. Well congratulations, i have a thing for twins, both sets of cousins on either side of my family are twins so there may be hope for me, anyway i have just started ttc and im quite young so the first worry for me and my boyfriend was the money situation, we both work but i have only just started my new job and therefore wont qualify for maternity leave if it happens soon, you should try the direct gov website, its really helped me to work out what me and my boyfriend are entitled to, when you go on the website on the left hand side it will say "money, taxes and benefits" that will then tell you everything you need to know. Good luck to you and hope the pregnancy goes well.

  6. Follow the three "P"s. patience, planning and persistence.

  7. OOoh that's lovely! How exciting :)

    My top tip would be to try and ensure more independence for the middle one when the new babies arrive, but without making you current baby feel left out. No 'piggy in the middle', as it were. Your eldest can help with that, because the middle child will have been able to bond fully with your eldest, probably be walking around by that time, and you'll also want to try to wean him/her before the newbies arrive. Three in nappies if tough, but that's one thing you simply can't rush!

    Not sure if St John's Ambulance of anything does this, but in America they now do Baby-sitting training (I think it's from the Red Cross) for secondary school kids, and they get a certificate at the end. It's not anything like how to resuscitate a baby or anything gruesome, but just practical stuff. You could save a bunch of babysitting cash by paying for your eldest to take a course, get the certificate, treat them for doing so well, and give pocket-money for helping out with the babies or the middle child. Once they're trained in a classroom environment, they'll have the experience and tenacity to be more helpful at home.

    Finally, learn to ignore the phone. Tell family and friends that you'll often have the ringer off and they should learn to deal with that! Once again, many congrats!!!!!

  8. Well my mum looked after two sets of twins. 17 months apart. good luck. u will be fine.

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