
I just found out im pregnant. Im 17.?

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Okay so im pregnant. Me the student who got skipped a year of school. Got into Brown University Med school. Had high hopes of becoming an ob/gyn. What should i do now?




  1. You need to dig down deep inside and figure out what seems right to you. Nobody can tell you what to do. Only you know.  And don't let anybody push you into something that doesn't feel right. Take your time. This is going to be one of the biggest decisions of your life.

    You can keep the child and raise it but it would be hard to make ends meet without a degree or a partner.  But it is doable if that's what you want.

    Are you open to adoption?  Especially with the pregnancy being the result of rape I think this would be a very good option to look into. There are thousands of people hoping and praying everyday for a child to come into their lives. And nowadays you can do open or closed adoption (either cease contact at birth or make a plan with the adoptive parents for how much contact you want to have ie- pics, visits, etc).

    There is a lot to consider.  Have you thought about Planned Parenthood? They have counselors that can help you make the right decision for you.  I'm sure your Gyn would have resources as well.  I know you're a smart girl so you feel like you probably know all these options already but they might be able to help you sort out what you really want.

    I'm so sorry hun.  I hope you are going to report the guy who did this.

    Good luck.  And please either way follow your dreams. Being an OB is a calling and you will always regret it if you don't reach that goal. The world needs more people like you.

  2. sorry for you being raped. if it were me personally i would not raise the baby. to me the baby would be a constant reminder of the rape.(somthing i would not want to remember) it is your choice but i would give it up for adoption because even though the baby is a result of rape it should still have a chance at life. good luck

  3. Well the first thing you should do is decide if having a child right now is what you want. Think thru your views on abortion, adoption, and being a teenage mother. I was 17 when I had my son and now he is 2 and a half years old and I'm going into my 2nd year of college. If you want to raise this child and give them a good future you have to be prepared to work your *** off! But it will all be worth it. You sound like you had a bright future in front of you, and you still can have that future... it will just take you longer and will take more ambition. The best thing to keep in mind right now is what would be best for you and this child. Everyone else will be full of opinions, stick with your heart because dealing with a situation like this will be one of the biggest decisions you will face in life.

    I hope the best for you.  

  4. Ok first off srry to here about the rape. Second don't even think of abortion. So carry the baby to full term and deliver... if u feel really close to the baby try to find adoption paretns who will do a open u can see your lil girl or boy......if u just want to forget about choose a closed adoption. But PLEASE finish going to school and live your life.....and do whats best for baby

  5. Well, go to your mom. Isn't that an option? If she knew about the rape, she'll be supportive.

      Sit down, take a breath, and think: what do you want to do? Do you want to raise this child (and then find a way to explain about his/her father), or give him/her up for adoption? Given the circumstances, I think only a hypocrite will judge you.

       I don't think abortion is really the way to go, if you want to be an ob/gyn, then you're about to learn first hand what your patients will be going through.

      Last thing I'll tell you is look carefully at your family and friends. Is there anyone who would be willing to raise that child while you are in college? If not, give them a new life with a family that will love and appreciate them.

    Good luck.

  6. i am so sorry to hear about your rape i know this must just add to your greif and confussion. i think you should take time and sit back. think about how you would feel about having a baby think about school and your career then choice wats more important

  7. You could have the baby and give it up for adoption if you don't want it or you could give it to someone in your family who would want to take care of it. I hope it all works out for the best. Best of luck.

  8. This is a very hard decision to make. You have a full life ahead of you and school takes a lot of time and concentration that a baby doesn't allow for. It sounds like you are very intelligent and are looking forward to starting your life, and it's probably not the best time for a child. If I were in your position, I would have an abortion. I'm not sure how you feel about abortion, but I think it's important to consider. If you don't feel comfortable with that, you should look into adoption. There are so many wonderful things about having children, but seeing as it's a stressful time already, your life will be so much easier and happier if you wait to raise children until you have a steady income and know what you are doing. Particularly considering that you were raped, there's a chance it may be best if you don't raise the child yourself. If you are reminded of a horrible and frightening time in your life every time you look at your baby, it can bring up difficult issues and make it hard to have a good relationship, no matter how good your intentions. Good luck, and I hope you make whatever decision feels right for you.

  9. ah look, if it was a result of rape, u could do 2 things.

    1)  if its 3 months already, aborting this child can cause serious things to your health,you can became sterile.

    2) if u choose to abort it, well, think about it? do u really love this child in your heart? are u welling to do everything for it? maybe, aborting is not a good thing to do, but u decide, what your heart wants. and i will say no more. hope u make a good choose,dear friend.

  10. Brown University Med School?  Hmm  . . . don't you have to go to university, first, before you go to med school?  You might have been planning to do pre-med at Brown, but that is VERY different from med school, unless, by chance, at 17, you got admitted to the PLME program?

    If you were raped, then not reporting it immediately was a big error of judgement on your part. You would have been given Plan B or some other emergency contraceptive which would likely have prevented this problem.  

    You have three choices:  abortion, adoption or keeping the baby.  Frankly, I'd opt for abortion, given the circumstances, but if you have a strong belief otherwise, then start looking for adoption options.

  11. sorry about the rape. first of all I hope he was charged and in prison. Second of all I think you should give the baby up for a nice family who you know will take good care of it. And you should continue on with your high hopes =]

    good luck

  12. Do what you have to do! Put school on hold and raise this child you created! You can still go to school you are just going to have to devote more time to the baby in the beginning! You can still make your dreams come true!

  13. sorry to hear about that! but congrats on everything else! obviously you are a smart girl so you can def. raise this baby and support her and still finish school and still pursue your dreams.. just because you are going to have a baby your life isnt over it will be alot harder now that it isnt just you to think about but you can def. do it and later on in life look at what you did and you'll appreciate each and every bit of it!! Congrats N Good Luck!  

  14. i kept my baby. i had her when i was 16. now im 17 and its very hard. honestly you should abort the baby. abortion is a sin but its what you have to do for the best. you are 17 right now so i'm guessing u don't have a job that can support u AND ur baby. having a baby is really expensive. imagine urself keeping this baby. think about how would u be able to support her? how would u be able to by diapers, etc. its REALLLLLLLY hard espically at this age. u might do better in the future. when u have a good job. a job that can support u and ur baby without any worries. i hope this helped. good luck.

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