
I just found out my 10 yr old has been suspended (1st offense) for fighting and verbally assulting a teacher.?

by Guest33308  |  earlier

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I need punishment advise. I think I should start out making her write an apology to the teacher, but, she wont go back to school for 3 days and I want to keep her busy with "creative-punishment" to ensure she thinks before she behaves this one again..




  1. First of all, where did she learn to fight and verbally assault a teacher to begin with?  The home is where kids learn their first lessons, instead of trying to figure out what to do for punishment for the child maybe you ought to think about what it is your are teaching your child at home.

  2. yard work or some other hard labor.

    my parents made up jobs for me that no one does just to punish me.  Make her sweat

  3. Make her eat a cabbage

  4. First it's advice not advise. Yes you should make her write and apology note and also apologize to the teacher in person. Ask the teacher if she can do some sort of extra credit or cleaning up the classroom type of community service. While she is suspended she can spend all that time cleaning everything and anything, not watching tv, or doing anything else fun. You should also ground her for a longer period of time, like no tv/friends/video games for 2 weeks. Have a nice long talk with her about all of this and please get your child under control before it is too late.

  5. make her write lines every day

    ''i will not fight in school.  i also will not verbally abuse my teachers."

    100 times a day

  6. LOL If my 10 yr old got suspended for disrespecting her teaching like that she wouldn't sit down for a week!!!!  

    Take away all her priviledges and let her out of her room to eat use the bathroom no phone no tv a book and her schoolwork will be fine. I

    f an adult did that they would go to jail so this could give her an idea of where she is headed if she keeps up that behavior Nip it in the bud now She is only 10 years old!!! Good Luck -

  7. This is very serious.   She should be severely punished!!  Assaulting a teacher????

    The letter of appology, plus grounded for about a month.  No friends, no TV, no outings, nothing.   If you have a friend that's a cop, get him to take her in the policecar and tell her she's being arrested for hitting her teacher.  That will strike the fear of God into her!!

    If she doesn't treat her teacher with respect, she probably doesn't treat you with respect, either, huh?

  8. She is grounded with NOTHING for at least a month, banished to her room (with nothing in it except a blanket and a change of clothes) except for going to the bathroom and meals and such. When the suspension is up she will go with you to the teacher and sincerely apologize. Get to the root of why she did it too.

  9. Sounds like Cinderella duty to me. In our house Cinderella duty is scrubbing everything in sight, folding and putting away laundry and cleaning her room.

  10. First you need to address the issues she is obviously having. What ever they may stem from, home, school, etc. 10 years old is really young for this kind of behavior. Good luck.

  11. make her do work on the text book. make her read the text book and quiz on her staff;. if u with her doing school hours.  she must know this is no vacation and must be grounded for it. if she gets online do not let her do it.  she must learn some respect.  i dont think she should an apology letter it should come stight from her if she want to apology to her or not.

  12. Make her write I will not disrespect my teachers again or something of that nature 500 times or whatever you think appropriate.

    Take away TV and desert and computer time while she is home.

    Take away anything good.

    Maybe she needs to talk to a professional about this anger she has.

    It is not appropriate for her to be doing such things.

  13. You need to talk to her about her behave. She needs to explain to you or someone why she misbehaved this way. Something must be going with her that is making her lash out and be disrespectful towards adults.

    If she verbally assaulted the teacher in front of the class then she should be make to apologize to the teacher in front of the class. Just because she won't return to school for about 3 days doesn't mean you can't escort her there just to apologize. She then needs to apologize to the class for being disruptive. She needs to write an essay stating why she did what she did and why it is important not to behave this way.

    As far as punishment she needs to clean the house from top to bottom. No television or anything during the day. She should not have any enjoyment or entertainment during the day. Those hours she would be at school so since she can't be due to her behavior she needs to school work at home. Have all of the teachers gather up work for her to do at home that would be school work and home work that would be done.

  14. Where did she learn to behave in this manner?  Is she courteous and respectful of adult supervision?  Have you seen her behave in this manner with any other adult?  What was the fight about?  Was she standing up for the right?  In what way was the other child punished?  You will need to praise and stand up for your child if she was in the right!  At the same time, you need to teach her that this was not an appropriate reaction.  If she has learned this method of behavior at home, it is time to change your ways

    Ask the principal what chores she can do around the school - making picking up garbage or being a recess monitor?  An apology must be made because the action taken was not appropriate.

  15. you should talk to her she could be really sad or really mad or maybe she just wants to hurt people

  16. I have a 9 yr old boy who has been getting into fights at school. What i do to him is I make him write a full page of "I will not fight in school" or what ever it is he did. then the Tv gets taken away and all video games. Depending on what he did I also make him help me clean and take care of his baby brother. You can always see if the school will give you her missed school work and homework and have do it at home. Have something like "school at home"time.

    Good luck

  17. She could have been arrested for that at her age.   Explain that to her. Make her watch a documentary on a prison or a juvenile detention center so she can see how bad it is there.  They have these movies at many libraries.  

    Make her write apologies to everyone that this effected. She owes you an apology, the teacher, the principal, etc. Also make sure the 3 days are in no way fun. Definately make her do chores at least one full day. ONly let her read, puzzles, until her suspension is up. And take away her favorite toys and her friends for 2 weeks.  I think once her suspension is over you can unground her, except keep the favorite toys away and no friends for 2 weeks. Don't over do the gounding, you will be less likely to follow through if you over do it. Follow through is critical to effective punishment.  

    Also, come up with a more severe consequence for if there is another incident. Let her know what that consenquence will be.

  18. Maybe you should find out why a 10 year old was fighting the teacher in the first place. What in the world was done to make her want to fight the teacher. BTW I am a teacher, so...

  19. make  her make something for very one who she has fight with and let herwrite a 200 word s.a. about why it is rude to do that and also make her promise that she won't do it again then be alll nice ot her

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