
I just found out my SGPT levels are elevated to 63 when normal levels are 40. What could be the cause of this?

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Only the SGPT levels are elevated. All other levels on liver panel are normal. I do show elevated levels of Triglycerides on the lipid profile and elevated PSA on the blood panel. I don't feel any pain and my urine function seems fine. My cholesterol is also elevated. I am afraid I may have cancer. My daughter says it may be due to my diet and because of my joint pain, I have been taking aspirin and spraying this chinese analgesic lotion to relieve the pain. Could that be it?

Also I have been taking Move Free to aid my joint pain but it is made with shellfish which elevates my cholesterol. Do you have any suggestions to any alternatives I can take or how I can control my cholesterol while on this medication?




  1. It's odd you'd even have SGPT reported on the lab slip. Most labs report it as ALT. While it may be elevated, that isn't for sure. Just because the upper limit on the lab slip is 40 doesn't mean you're about to die from liver cancer. Levels under 120 aren't abnormal, they just aren't normal in young or middle-aged non-pregnant adults. Chances are, if you just repeat the test, it'll be in the normal range.

  2. How did your physician feel about those results?  Many things can cause elevated SGPT levels including heart attacks and liver damage.  I would not immediately jump to the cancer conclusion.  You could just as easily have hepatitis or some kind of cirrhosis. As for the aspirin, be sure it's low dose if you're taking it regularly because higher doses can be taxing on your body.  Personally, I am a firm believer in refraining from using medications unless absolutely needed and trying to find a more homeopathic way of resolving the issue.  

    I recommend consulting your physician and he/she will be able to determine whether or not further tests are needed.  Try and modify your diet to cut out red meat, soda and fried foods.  Also try and incorporate some low impact exercises such as bike riding or an elliptical machine.  Don't be too alarmed.  Just remember, if you take care of your body, it'll take care of you.

  3. your question is too vague.  follow up with your doctor for a full medical work up.  have your questions answered BEFORE you leave the office.

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