
I just found out my bf is talking to his ex..?

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I talked to his ex on msn before, and she told me that he is talkin to her sayin he misses her all the time while he is still with me. Im generally upset because we have been together for a while and he wants a future and family with me. what do i do?




  1. Well first off, does she have the proof?  The IM logs?  Maybe she's trying to get you to break it off with him. So she can have him.  

    I don't play games like that but I wanted to tell my ex's gf when he was with me after they broke up but I decided if it's meant to come out it will.  

    If your bf is talking to her, don't make it a big deal unless she has proof that he is saying those things to her.  If he wanted her he would probably be with her instead.

  2. do you trust his ex over him ?

    girls fight dirty and won't we say anything to make our enemies jealous? don't we always want what we can't have? don't we hate our exes being happy without someone?

    talk to your boyfriend, in real life not over msn. if you think he's lying or if you can't trust him, then you should think if it's worth all this heartbreak ?

  3. Just because they're talking again doesn't mean that he wants her.  and maybe she's not being completely honest.  maybe she's mad because he's moved on and maybe she hasn't.  Either way, talk to him about it, it might be hard because it could be awkward or something, but if you're worried about your relationship than it's probably a good idea.

  4. Boy - do I know what you are going through and what you are feeling.  I can only tell you what I did.  I told my bf that his conversations with his ex was uncomfortable to me.  I also believe that if you are in a relationship that is supposed to be built on trust and honesty, if you express to your bf that his talking with his ex hurts you, he should honor that.  If their relationship is 'dead' - why do they need to be talking?   My bf tried to tell me that I was insecure and that we had it "going on' and I shouldn't worry.  To my surprise, this WITCH was working doubletime behind my back giving him money, taking him to lunch, making him see that 'she' had changed and he eventually believed her.  What was supposed to be a  'friendship' with her only turned out to be a full blown relationship and I was the 'last to know.

    Set him straight.  He needs to stop talking to this ex.  They have nothing else in common if he is with you.  If he cannot do this - then you need to stand your ground and make him understand that you are not going to stay and be disrespected while this is going on.  

  5. first off.. you heard this from her not him! she could be lying to cause trouble between you and your bf. I think you should try to get proof. Maybe he has spoken to her.. but he might not have said anything like that. You should really talk to him about it. if he starts getting nervous you'll know its true.

  6. Confront your ex about it. Is he really talking to his ex or is she just making stuff up to break you up ?

    Always ask first before accusing someone. if he is still really talking to her ask him why and let him know it hurts you.

    Don't act all psycho though, be calm about it. Otherwise his ex may become more appealing to him if you act jealous etc.

    if you find out that he does still have feelings for her, I'd move on. Don't waste time with someone that doesn't know what they want.

    You should be his priority, or else forget it.

    Good luck !

  7. talk to your boyfriend first. could it be an ex that is trying to befriend you, just so she can gain your trust and get you two to break up? No matter who broke up with who, usually there are feelings left over, and no one likes to see their ex with someone else.  

  8. Talk to your boyfriend about it. He might mean he misses talking to the ex. I think she is trying to break u and ur bf up.

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