
I just found out my dad has been in the USA for 57 years and he is undocumented. Can the USA deport him?

by Guest56680  |  earlier

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He is a well respected citizen of our community. He suffered a stroke in 2003 and is partially paralyzed on his left side. Because he his grandfather was an only child of an only child as was his father. He has no living relatives in his birth country. What to I need to do to update his status to a legal member of the USA?




  1. i'm sorry to say... but if your dad is undocumented... then he is not a well respected citizen of the community. he may be a nice well respected man.... but not a citizen.

    and yes, the USA can deport anyone who is not legal at any time no matter how long that person has been staying here.

    you can apply for an i-130 for him... but i doubt whether he'd be granted that considering the number of years he's been here. you need an immigration lawyer's help regarding this.

  2. He needs to be deported.  

    One thing you should understand is that you are probably not a citizen either.  Further, it is a felony offense to use a fake I.D.

  3. I can't remember exactly what it was (you can speak to an immigration attorney regarding it), but there was a law passed way back when "grandfathering" anyone who had been here before a certain year. There was also Amnesty in 1986 for which he could have filed for.

    Theoretically speaking, your dad could still be deported simply do to the fact that he's undocumented and our economy as well as gov't practices are in the crapper. However, I seriously doubt that. If he was arrested for anything (another thing I doubt since you say he is well-respected), then I'm sure you could plead a case regarding hardship if he were to be deported.

    Worse case scenario, you'd have to file an I-130 for him. Regardless, I still suggest talking to an immigration attorney and not a bunch of people on YA who answer more emotionally than informatively.

    Edit: Do you personally know "Imback" or something? I hadn't realized that you had mentioned that your father was from Mexico, so I could only assume the two of you know each other or she's racist for automatically assuming he is and should "go back."

    Just wondering...

  4. Where was he when Reagan gave all the illegals amnesty in 1986? Anyway,If I were you I would hire an immigration attourney. Or he could go back to Mexico and apply the legal way. Otherwise he is illegal and could be deported.I knew a older illegal man here in our community that had a ranch job,he had been here most of his life and about a year ago he was deported.He even had a teenage son here.Also,if he is deported he would be banned from the states for several years.

  5. If he is your father and you are a citizen then they cant really deport him. You can help him get his green card really quick since he has been here for so long it does help if he has close family that are citizens sons and daughters mainly. Talk to a lawyer im sure it would not be that hard.

  6. No matter how long he has been here, he is still a criminal illegal alien and can be deported at any time.

  7. as far as  know, if he has been paying taxes for the last 57 years he might have a good chance or getting a green card if you apply. but that might take another 57 years..

  8. Yes,he can be deported. He cannot change his status while he is living illegally in the US. He must return to his home country to have the proper papers filled out. The help of an immigration attorney would be the best advice.

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