
I just found out my son has been listening to his mp3 during class?

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Just today I was just going to hang-up m sons hoodie when I noticed an object hanging out of one of the sleeves. It was an ear bud. I wondered where it was from so I unzipped it and found that it led to his mp3, which he duck-tapped to the hoodie (near his ribs) and slid the ear buds up the sleeves. I asked him about it and he admitted he was listening to it and rested his head on his ears in class pretending to listen. What should I do about this? He seems to be having good grades, they aren't any differen't than his last report card. Should I take it away?




  1. No, my parents are making a huge fuss about it but it doesn't affect my grades. If nothing is wrong then I don't think you should take it from him. But I still think he needs to be punished for deceiving you.

  2. i find aslong as if the teacher isn't talking (eg im doing coursework in lessons or im working out a textbook) music really helps me concerntrate

  3. noooooooooooooooooooooooo music helps people do work

    and focus and if his grades arent slipping why take it ?

  4. Give him a chance to be responsible...Ask him to not listen to it during class and leave it at home as an after school thing...because it's disrespectful to his teacher and against the school rules. (This will teach him that in REAL life, at the job, you're not always allowed to have those creature comforts).

    If you find it again, take it away, because he'll have disrespected you.

    Sorry folks, but it doesn't matter if his grades are good. Real life doesn't let you do what you want to do all the time.

  5. Threaten to take the MP3 player away if his grades or conduct drop at all. Also make sure that he keeps the volume low enough to half-listten, and so that no one can hear his music. He's seems like a smart kid.

  6. If he's listening to it while the teacher is teaching, it is a problem. If he's listening to it just while doing his work, yes it is probably illegal by school rules, but it helps a lot of people focus. He can also tune out the noise other students make.

    Good Luck! God Bless!

  7. haha pretty smart pretty sure you answered this yourself.  if his grades havent changed at all then theres nothing to worry about.  besides, most kids do listen to music during class..its no big thing he shouldnt be punished for this.

  8. Did you tell him not to do it, or is it against the school rules? If it is, then the answer should be obvious.

    Or are trying to be his friend instead of his parent?

  9. I get strait As [and Bs lol]

    and i ALWAYS listen to my MP3 player in class

    its only in one ear though so i still know what

    is going on.

  10. No.

  11. Good grades don't take long to plummit. I suggest you take up the MP3 Player for at least a week. This will teach him a lesson not to listen to it in class.

  12. Yes, take it away until the end of the next marking period, or delete all the music off it and then give it back.

  13. you said he SEEMS to be haveing good grades that really dosent help. he told u the truth hes still getting good grades wat more? he sounds like a good boy to me. i would say no dont take it away. as long as he promises not to do it agin.

  14. I just had a similar issue with my ten year old. I picked up his jacket on the way out the door and thought it felt kinda heavy. His gameboy was in the pocket.

    His grades have not been bad and he has not been playing with it in class, but I confiscated it nonetheless because it's an innapropriate item to take to school. I'd feel the same if it were music.  He's there to give his full attention to the teacher and recess is45 mins long...he can wait until he gets home.

    I'm just trying to teach him about following the rules and respect for the learning process.

  15. Take the mp3 player away.

    Most kids can hum along for a while, but eventually his lack of paying attention WILL catch up to him.

    You won't be doing any favors by letting him keep it particularly since he obviously spent time and energy to break the school rules by hiding it.

    He has lost that privilege. For A LONG WHILE.

  16. It depends what grade he is in. If he is not in high school yet, maybe he is bored and needs harder course material. When I was in grade one I would constantly day dream because I wasn't learning anything. I was then transferred to an Enhanced Learning class, which I enjoyed. If he is in high school, don't worry about it. A lot of kids listen to music in class. Some teachers even permit it during quiet work time. If his grades aren't suffering, don't take it away but have a talk about respect and paying attention to the teacher.

  17. NO. music helps some ppl concentrate while doing homework. what happens when you take it away and he cant concentrate and his grades fall? your fault. and hese getting good grades leave him alone man.

  18. Lol, omg no don't take it away. You just don't know how many like teens & such these days are doing that. I've done that in class, as long as his grades aren't dropping don't do anything about it really. I did that , texted all sorts during class and maintained an A average. It helps some people.

  19. Don't take it away, but don't allow it to go to school with him anymore, either.  Have a designated place in the house for him to put it in the morning before he leaves for school.  He can get t as soon as he gets home.  Enforce it religiously.

    I am a teacher, and I can tell you that WHEN he gets caught, it will lead to trouble, not to mention a less high opinion of him from his teachers.  He needs to give his school work his undivided attention.  His grades wouldn't slip quite so fast as one report card.  It's the cumulative effect that will catch up with him.  Two report cards after the time he started doing this will be a rude wake up call for you if you allow this to continue.  Try to enforce the rule with good humor, though.  It's not a horrible thing he's doing; all kids would rather listen to music than a teacher.  Heck, if they had a way to sneak in an X-Box and a bag of McDonald's food, they'd do that too.  

    Many kids at the school where I taught attempted the mp3 up the sleeve, and some of them had their players taken away until the parent came and met with the principal to sign a contract.  You don't want that embarrassment.  LOL  

    Tell him he's got to keep that thing at home!

  20. Yeah, the classroom is not the place for an mp3 player, he may wind up loosing it if the teacher catches on.  Teachers DO have the right to take away any toys kids bring to school in order not to pay attention in class.  It's not about his grades, its about him respecting the rules which obviously he hasn't been taught in the home

  21. ur choice i do this all the time and have A's and B's it helps me concentrate in a test

  22. Take it away-- just think he could be getting even better grades without this distraction Im sure.

  23. Do you really need to ask?

  24. no. the music is helping him so i dont see why you should take it away. his grades aren't affected and his behavior is not bad, so there is no need to punish him for doing nothing wrong. just let him keep taking it to school.

  25. im 14. I see other kids do it all the time. i dont think you should take it away unless he is getting worse grades. but i would make sure he doesent have it before he goese to school

  26. Yup.  Even if his grades haven't suffered they will if he's not even listening!!!  It shows some amount of planning and forethought to tape it up like that!!!  He needs to be taught a lesson (literally!)

  27. Take it away. How do you know he hasnt recorded the class lectures or some other form of info he wouldnt other wise have during testing to his mp3 and thats why he's getting good grades?

  28. You parents can be sooo mean now.

    Okay he has good grades, he didnt lie and if he gets lower grades take it away.

  29. Take it away and tell him he can have his MP3 player at out of school hours only. Or he must physically give it to you each morning before he leaves and you will give it back when he gets home. During school he needs to pull his socks up and listen to the teacher.

    You need to be the parent and make the rules. MP3's, Ipods, mobile phones not belong at school at all, no exceptions.

  30. need to make sure he understands that school is important and that he needs to pay attention during class.  take it away for a while and give it back to him when he brings home one of his good report cards!

  31. As long as his grades are good and he assures you that it isn't loud enough to disturb others, then don't take it away.

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