I knew he was doing well, but I just found out he has already gone through all of the Kindergarten level reading books - he blew through them, faster than any other kid in his class. He has also learned all of his sight words much faster than the other kids.
Once I am done beaming, and being proud of him, and bragging about it to everyone I know... I want to make sure that I foster it as much as possible.
One thing I have noticed when he reads to me is that he doesn't really FOCUS. He squirms around gets up and sits back down... and he will stop in the middle of a sentence to tell me a story because the word he just read make him think of the story.
I try to calmly tell him to focus, and don't stop mid-sentence to go off topic, and to not squirm, etc... but I don't want to make it into a negative experience.
Why does he get so distracted and squirmy... and what, if anything should I do about it?
Any advice to keep his love of reading going is appreciated.