
I just found out that I'm pregnant and when I told husband the good news...?

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he did have any emotions at all. I'm pretty thrilled that the day is finally here because we've been talking about starting a family for a while now, but when I told him that I took a test and it was positive, all he said was "oh ok" and didn't seem very excited at all even though he's been saying how badly he wants us to have a baby. I guess I was expecting a smile or some sign of happiness, but all it did was p**s me off cuz it's not how I had pictured breaking the news. What gives?!




  1. who honestly knows.  nobody.  A good relationship is one where a couple can talk to each other about anything. communication is key.  You really need to ask him.

  2. well, maybe he;s in shock, when i told my man he said and i quote " well its about time" and then he went home later on that night and said nothing until the next day ALL his friends called like congratz and blah blah blah, he called EVERYONE!!!! he just was in shock and didnt wanna get over excited incase i was playing and 3 days later (my 18th b-day thank god) we moved in together...

    maybe he just isnt showing his excitement.

    by the way. when i first found out i wasnt exactly happy either even tho i was waiting for it to happen! but now im almost 7 months and couldnt be happier

  3. The only thing that pops into my mind is that he is speechless. I had tried for a while to get pregnant, and then when I found the + on the test I was shocked. I kind of had that "Oh okay" feeling too.

    Let it sink in a little more. I am sure he is excited. If it continues then you need to tell him that you feel hurt that he reacted like this.

    My hubby was like, "That's nice." After it was time for bed that night I kept asking him if he was truly happy. He said that after everything 'hit' he was pumped up to be a daddy.

  4. he is just nervous talk to him about it he will be alright.

    Have fun withe your baby

  5. Sounds like you were the one talking about starting a family not him. He will come around.

    Congrats to you!!

  6. I agree with Lydia.

    Congratulations by the way!

  7. might be in shock.

  8. Shock perhaps? Although it is good news, it's delivery can still be stunning (even if in a good way) so he may just not be expressing his happiness yet.

  9. Guys just don't usually jump up and down and get all giddy

  10. don't be mad, be glad. =)

    It's a normal thing. My husband was the same way. He got more excited when I ballooned up like a watermelon. You know when pregnancy was more visible. He was so protective of me.

    It's a guy thing I think not to show emotion.

    Have a happy pregnancy and God Bless!

  11. He could be in shock. Maybe he never thought it would happen.

    Just talk to him.

    During my first pregnancy, my hubby was confident we were going to have a boy because besides 2 female cousins, he has all males on his side. So when i told him we were having a girl. He was speechless, no expression, nothing. He then walked out of the house. I went to him and asked him what was wrong, and he had tears in his eyes. He was shocked and excited, he was just speechless.

    So, go talk to your husband, it could just have been shock.

  12. I took a pregnancy test first thing in the morning, ran in to tell my husband, who then high fived me and went back to sleep.

    It's just men and how they deal with things. I don't think it's really a baby to them until he or she is actually here. Don't worry, it doesn't mean he doesn't care or won't be a good dad. Once the baby is actually here, everything will change.

  13. He probably had a ton of different emotions running through his brain at that momment. I am sure he is scared, nervous, unsure, happy, etc... and he just didn't know how to respond. My husband was sort of like that too but once the shock wore off, he was very happy and 3 babies later, he is the best daddy! Don't worry- I am sure he will come around. Remember too, this is new for him and he is probably worried about your health and also thinking about things like providing for his family, etc...

  14. he will be excited, he just has to let the news sink in. you are excited because it's happening to you and your body, he will be excited too. it will really hit him once he holds the baby in his hands

  15. Let me tell you... When I was pregnant, my husband wouldn't have ANYTHING to do with me. The thought of a baby inside my body really creeped him out. It really hurt my feelings and I would tell him how alone I felt, but still nothing. However, when the big day came he was INSANE WITH JOY! He is such a great dad and his boy is his world.  He couldn't stop telling me what a great job I did taking care of our baby while he was in my belly. It was really cute.

    We experience pregnancy completely different than men do b/c we have the life growing inside us. They only see the puking, fatigue and giant belly. Trust me, if you two had already talked about this and wanted a baby, then give him time. The first thing women think of is "OMG, there is a baby inside me that I get to nurture and bring into this world. I can't wait to buy clothes and bedding! I can't wait to be a mom!" The first thing men think is "OMG, there is a baby inside her!How are we gonna bring a child into this world? Do we have enough money for clothes and bedding? Can I ge a good dad?"

    It will all fall into place. Take care and good luck with your pregnancy. It is SOOOOO wonderful to be a mom!!!

  16. He simply might have been overwhelmed. Talk to him again later.

  17. he is just fingering out he needs to do to get read for a family

  18. Be positive. Maybe you told him when something crazy was going on in his head, maybe worried about something. Who knows. If this is an issue that is going to bug you for a while. I'd let him know you feel. I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding.

  19. This is joyous news!, Congrats. Mine just reacted the same exact way. What matters is if he is a good dad. Mine helped out so much, and still does.

  20. If he isn't excited about a child (don't take this the wrong way), but make sure he hasn't moved on to someone who could have given him a kid sooner. He may have  wanted one so bad that he was willing to lie. So make sure he isn't cheating on and if so, make ure she isn't pregnant. So don't go diving off of the deep end.

    I don't know him so I could be a number of things. That's just one. Just check his cell phone for recent calls and text messages and e-mails.  

    i hope everything isn't how it may seem, i hope your pregnancy goes well too. So God Bless.

  21. he was probably in shock and overwhelmed later after things have calmed down just mention and say that you thought hed be more excited

  22. Seriously, just wait a little while, and talk about it again. Sometimes it's a hard thing for a man to take in, even if it's something he really wanted. This is a huge life changing thing, and he probably just needs to mull it over in his head for a little while. With my first two, they weren't at all planned, and my husband was just really supportive. But with this pregnancy, we had just decided that we wanted another, and come to find out we were already pregnant when we made the decision. He reacted pretty much the exact same way, I was really upset, because I was so excited, and I had kind of hoped he would show a little excitement as well. I told him how I felt, and he assured me that he was excited too (he still didn't show it though). A couple of days later, he started to show some excitement, some men just need a couple of days to take it all in.

    Good Luck:)

  23. Talk to him and write to Ask Abby.

  24. Guys are visual creatures, I think he'll slowly start to come around when a baby bump appears, he sees the first ultrasounds, feels it kick, especially when it starts to look like a actual baby, I bet he'll be overjoyed when the baby is actually born and he can put a name to a face. Nothing seems different to him (I mean he isn't actually carrying the baby, he doesn't feel the changes). He'll come around.

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