
I just found out that I have a warrant for my arrest for defending myself?

by  |  earlier

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I was working in a mental behavioral place, and was attacted by a patient. I defended myself by punching him. I was forced to resign and probably deserved it. Two years later, A police officer runs my plate and tells the principle at the school I teach at that I have a warrant for my arrest.

300 dollar bond.

I was never told about it, nor has anybody told me charges have been pressed about the incident. The patient did call the police that day of the incident and I talked to him and told him excactly what happened. He did not ever tell me I was to go to jail or anything. What the h**l do I do. I know I plan on going to the court to try and settle this but is this common? Can I do anything about this?




  1. I agree with the first guy.  None of us can help you.  Get a lawyer.

  2. Get a lawyer. If this all of this is true you'll be fine.

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