
I just found out that i cant have children how do i deal with the pain?

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I just found out that i cant have children how do i deal with the pain?




  1. well take a little time and let yourself grieve.  I am including a website for infertility counceling:

    Remember that there are many options out their today.. Become foster parents and perhaps consider adoption, surrogate using your eggs and husbands sperm, in vitro, etc... and miracles do happen.. You never know what will blow your way.

  2. first off i am so sorry to hear this sad news it can be very depressing. but on the upside look at it like this you wont have to worry about stretch marks and leaky b*****s and weight gain. are you unable to carry the child or are you infertile? cuz if you are fertile but cant carry you can get a surrogate mother. but if your infertile but can carry im not sure what your option is then maybe get some eggs and use your husbands sperm to fertilize the eggs and create the baby in a petri dish (my mother had to do that with her third pregnancy). ther are so many options out there you just need to speak with your doctor and your signifacant other to see what your options are.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that.  Let yourself mourn, and then when you're ready, turn your pain into positive energy. Consider foster parenting, adoption, etc. You may find a new mission in life to care for the children who have lost their parents.

  4. well you can eat ice cream ffor a month and cry you're soul out!

    then go adopt a child.

  5. counseling time and talking will help you but wont heal the pain.

    MY friend has gone down the adoption route she had both her tubes removed when she had eptopics and this was the only was she could see forward good luck  

  6. You poor lady. This must be a terrible time for you. It will get easier with time though even though it may not seem like it now. Try IVF and if that isn't successful maybe adoption or fostering could be an option. I know it isn't the same as having a child which is biologically yours but you can bring it up like it's your own and love and care for it and it still means a child is present in your life. I really hope your OK and keep going strong. I am only 14 but hope I helped a tiny tiny bit!  

  7. I am sorry that you are having physical difficulties that prevent you from giving birth.  However, is your goal to give birth or to raise a child?

    While it might be a slap in the face to have these troubles (especially when so many get pregnant and abort, get pregnant and abuse the child, etc.) can still parent a child through adoption.

    Take some time to heal.  Find a counselor (I am sure there are some that deal with this issue, your OB/GYN, family physician, and/or fertility specialist may be able to put you in touch with one).  Once you feel ready, start researching adoption.

    Feel free to contact me via my profile if you wish.  I pray that you find peace, and wish you the best!

  8. Start looking into adoption! :-)

    In seeing some of the answers about "mourning" your infertility, I say "bah!" A precious child you adopt will make you forget all about the fact that you can't get pregnant for whatever reason when you look into those beautiful eyes.

    Instead of spending a lot of money on IVF and other treatments, put that money instead toward adoption.

    Go for it now -- a way to keep moving forward in a positive, life-affirming way instead of indulging in grief over something that can't be helped. Why would you "grieve" the fact that you can't give birth when there is no reason you have to give birth to be a mother.

    Adoption is wonderful!

  9. sorry. but you can do everything you want to do. you can adopt or move fifteen times a year if you wanted. you can help children in need or something.

  10. Sorry :-{

    they're many things you can do..

    Look for professional help.

  11. ok leslie...let's be first it seems an incredible burden that's hard to bare....but try to look at this positively as hard as it may seem right now....your still gonna live your life, and it's gonna be fruitful too...

    If you absolutely love kids, there's always adoption for you. There are so many kids out there that deserve loving homes and the true love that only a parent can give. Adopting a child for you, will most certainly heal any wounds that you now feel.

    i wish you nothing but the best.

    listen....every single day you awake, and the sun is shining, it's always gonna be a great day...

    try not to look at what you don't have....concentrate on what you can still achieve...and be strong...for all those that truly love you..

    best regards


  12. ofcourse you can have children you just cant give birth to one .

    if you look around there are so man children who would kill for a mummy to love and take care of them.

  13. im so sorry to hear that. You will have to take it one day at a time. Have you considered adoption? A friend of mine was told she couldn't have kids, so she adopted, around the same time she adopted the baby, she found out she was pregnant!

  14. I'm sorry that you are so upset.

    You many not be able to conceive - but you can most certainly "have children". They'll just need to be adopted first.

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