
I just founded an environmental club???

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I just founded an environmental club at my school and i need some ideas of what to talk about/do.

I was thinking about starting a recycling program for my school.

Any suggestions?




  1. Starting a recycling program at your school is great idea.  My school recently got one and the people in environmental club pick up the recycling from classrooms and stuff.  Then, somebody takes the recycling to a center, and the club recieves a profit.

    Also, look for an environmental group that does stuff in the city you live in.  For example, my environmental club goes to cleanups organized by I Love a Clean San Diego.

  2. How would it be,to have the entire school recycle aluminum cans for a profit . With the proceeds purchase a  wind generator to supply energy for your school. This project could possibly involve the entire community on a level that your school system could appreciate with future savings to the taxpayers.  Start a grass roots movement.  Good Luck

  3. Doing local clean-ups, promoting awareness of recycling

  4. Hi

    Good for you!

    I am very much into recycling at home.  I recycle paper, metal, glass, plastic, even left over and waste fod.  This goes into my compost bin.

    Birmingham CC, have an active recycling policy that collects the kind of stuff above and even garden waste like grass cuttings, branches, plants etc.  They mulch this or compost it and sell it back as compost.

    You could get your school kitchen to recycle the waste veg material (not meat) and compost that.  You could have recycling bins placed in each classroom for waste paper, same for glass,metal etc.

    If you need any further info, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    PS.  You can even have a wormery, now that is environmentally friendly!



  5. See if you can put up an educational bulletin board at your school to pass along the things you are doing and learning to kids who are not in the club.  

    Learning about organic gardening and the benefits of eating locally and organically is probably one of the most environmentally sustainable things the average person can do.  Eating organic is not just about eating healthier, it's also about getting pesticides out of our environment and getting all of those transfer vehicles off the road.  Importing grapes (for example) from half way around the world is not a sustainable practice.  Think of all the fuel required!

    Also, look into Dioxin.  It's carcinogenic and in our environment.  This is a bleaching biproduct from the manufacturing of paper products & Diapers.  Go unbleached!  If americans stop using bleached products eventually companys will stop making them.  In some European countries like Sweden they won't buy bleached diapers so consequently most companies have an unbleached version that they market there but not here!

  6. What about doing some clean-ups (picking up trash, cleaning up graffiti etc.) in a local park, canyon, or waterway. Your local Audobon chapter might be able to help with this.  You might also get involved in removing non-native plants from natural habitats in your area.  If you have a Resource Conservation District in your area..they too may be able to get you started.

  7. A good start would be to recycle water and juice bottles that don't require a deposit.  I see 1,000's of them along the roadway and filling up your schools trash cans.

  8. Recycling would be a great start.  Look into recycling products such as styrafoam especially.  I think there are companies out there that can recycle these in more healthy ways then letting them degrade, which releases CFC's.  Do research on recycling plants and ways to make your school more green.  Wal-Mart is a great resource since they have stores that use alternative methods for power and such.  Get with your city to plant flowers, clean up parks, adopt a street, plant trees, make a park, have Earth Day fairs and get with the Elementary and Middle schools in the area.  You would be surprised how much you can get the city and other schools involved.  Make a compost place, so the cafeteria reduces the amount of waste going to the dump and it can be used to have a school greenhouse.  If i think of more i will come back.

  9. attract members with a campaign that discusses how high MPG cars are more awesomely socially impressive than other cars; take the feeling of cars as conferring cool n tilt it towards high MPG cars being cooler

    its challenging making a thing that suggests a hybrid or Geo is more socially attractive n awesome than a camaro but you can use a scheduled group discussion of that  idea to attract members

    recycling is highly beneficial but cities n utility districts will be communicating that to people throughout their lives; persuading teens that high MPG cars are awesome cars really will save resources

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