
I just founf out my girlfriend of 5 months is prego! ?

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I care very deeply for her and our relationship is going great! We are not children, I am in my early 30's and her in her late 20's. I find myself scared, stressed, etc.. Financial issues scare me the most, "Can we offered this?" She is unemployed and I am in the 75k range. Any advice is greatly appreciated!!




  1. You'll do fine. Anxiety, fear and confusion are all normal reactions to an unplanned pregnancy but it sounds like your mature and doing ok money wise so I think you guys will do fine. It will change your life forever but it is the most awesome experience you'll ever have. Children are a blessing - but they are also A LOT of work. Take prenatal and parenting classes and just be very supportive to her. Get a few books on pregnancy and read them together. You are at the beginning of an amazing journey. Good luck and congrats!  

  2. financially u shouldnt worry.... 75k is a very good amount to be making... so no worries about affording unless u spend crazily

  3. no one is ever prepared for a baby. I am married and am expecting our first in 5 weeks and I still don't feel prepared. Just try not to stress out and enjoy it! Having a baby is the best thing in the world.

  4. Well, first of all..Congrats. Second of all, Even if you were both employed with great jobs and everything that same question would be going through your heads. The truth is NO ONE is EVER completely 'ready' for a baby. Just sit down together and talk about it. A baby is a wonderful thing and it is worth every penny in the world!

  5. Well that should not matter.

    Your love should matter nothing else.

    And you taking the responsible to take care of this baby ,her and you. And hope you can make a good family.

    Good Luck:]

  6. Congratulations!!! I myself am pregnant.

    If you could do one thing, get her an engagement ring, she would love that.

    Financially, she can get a part time job being pregnant, for some spending money to buy baby items!  

  7. I am 22 years old and have a 2 year old son, my husband makes just under $50,000/year and I am a stay at home mom. We have ridiculous bills from being young and stupid with credit cards. We are living a great a life and have pretty much whatever we want with in reason. Financially, you are in a great position I think. It doesn't matter how old you, money always plays a factor when finding out your having a child. In my opinion it actually works in your advantage that she is not working, I think it is very important for a mother to be at home with a seems you are accustomed to her not working, which will make it that much easier for her to stay home with your child. You will be just fine! Congrats!  

  8. think about it this way....your not the only one!!!!

    people give birth everyday and yes it is scary because all of the sudden you are caring for another life but it is something that you and her have created together and i believe everything happens for a reason. if you werent meant to have this precious little baby then you  wouldnt be in this situation.  75K is plenty of money as long as you know how to spend your money :)

    you'll be fine. congrats! once you get past the scared part its actually the best thing in the world. if she is 5 months she should be able to feel baby move now or soon & sooner than later you'll be able to feel him/her too!

  9. Well Congratulations! It is VERY normal to be scared, stressed, anxious, and excited all at the same time. Truth be known, I dont think there is anyone that is expecting a baby that is not at least a little bit scared.

    75k is a great income. I know that you think that you will have financial problems having a baby, but it ALWAYS works out. Of course, there will be things that you will have to tighten the money belt on, there always is, but it will be worth it and will not cause that great of a dent in your wallet. I did it at first with about 1/3 of the money you make and it was just fine. We did not have money for much extra, but we made it and I wouldn't change it for the world. It will be fine.  

  10. i'm glad that you want to her help, i dont think financial issues is a problem you guys could work it out somehow. i wish you the best and Good luck

  11. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!  It is terrifying and a huge step, but with a little planning you will be fine.

    First off with making about 75k a year you should be fine, my husband and I make about 30k a year and we are swinging it fairly easily!

    Some real simple things you can do in order to lower costs of a newborn baby are:

    1. Breast feed - SOOO much cheaper than formula and better for the baby too!

    2. Use cloth diapers!  You will put in about 500.00 dollars in to start with, but literally save thousands of dollars.

    3. Use cloth baby wipes too!  You can even make your nice smelling stuff to mosterize your baby's bottom by dipping them in a water, witch hazel, and lavender mixture.  Which can also save loads.

    4.  When your getting baby clothing, look for things that are durable and comfortable rather than pretty, also if you have one in your area try and shop used.  Especially for things like clothing and toys and books.  As long as it's washable and in good condition there's no reason not too.  

    While you may not need to be as frugal as my husband and I, think of the extra savings that you can get as something to put toward your baby's collage fund!  If you start saving 40 bucks a month or so now, by the time they are heading out for collage, you should have enough saved up to help through at least their first year.

    Good luck!  And congratulations!

  12. You've got what it takes!  75k should be enough if you guys budget wisely and have adequate insurance.  It's only natural to be afraid, though.  This prooves you're taking the matter seriously.  You'll want to keep taking this seriously, but remember, having a kid can be great fun and fill you with the most amazing feelings. Be good and take courage.

  13. Babies bring their own blessings. Just wait everything will work out just fine. These are just normal worries that everyone goes through. When you are done worrying about money a new baby worry could just take its place. I am 4 1/2 months pregnant and my worry is My baby's health. Its just the parent coming out of you!!

    Good Luck!!

  14. No one is really prepared. But you sound like you will be fine. 75 K is pretty good. And if you really love her then you both should be fine. Maybe get a plan set up. Start asking friends who have had children what to expect, what you need to buy, etc... Make sure she gets to see the dr, and be there to support her as much as you can.

    It's okay to be scared, but I'm sure you will both be great parents. Congrats!

  15. What are you going to call it?



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