
I just gained custody of my niece through foster care and she is behaving oddly. I need serious help please???

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My niece is 14 months old. I noticed that when I change her diaper, she reaches down and starts touching herself. I move her hand and tell her to stop and say "NO, BAD". But she keeps trying to do it. I've also noticed that she keeps messing with that area of her diaper throughout the day.

She just got placed with me last week. I've only been around her 3 times before because I am not close to my family.

I have never raised a little girl. ( I only have a 6 year old son)

I don't know if this is normal curiosity or if I should alert foster care about this. She's only 14 months and I am so worried. Please what should I do?




  1. Well first of all congrats on getting your niece. I raised my niece for 6 years (got her at 10 months) and its such a blessing to take care of alittle girl.

    Secondly, totally normal for her to do that. The worse thing you can do is draw attention to it or tel her its bad. Its not bad at all. Its natrual curiosity and kids that age don't do it for any sexual reason. Just move her hand or ignore it

  2. that is so not normal. she needs!

  3. It is perfectly normal behavior and you risk doing serious psychological damage if you keep telling her it's bad. Make sure there are no health problems such as a yeast infection and as long as there are none leave her alone.

  4. That's perfectly normal!Just like most little boys do the same!I was freaked out when my daughter did that and the Dr assured me it was normal!

  5. Children are naturally curious, and for them to explore their bodies is normal.  If you are concerned I would ask her pediatrician as she could have a UTI or similar problem.

    I recommend against scolding her when she does this.

  6. My mom use to take care of foster kids and we once had a little girl who would do the same things. At the time I didn't know this, but my mom did. She had been molested by her previous foster family and also by her mother's boyfriend. I would suggest maybe speaking with the social worker and asking questions about her behavior or even a doctor.

  7. My daughter (she's three now) used to play with her C**t alot and I would catch her with her hand down her diaper too.

    I would tell her no but she would tell me it tickles. I tried to explain that isn't what little girls do.  She has gotten better about it.

    But you may want to make sure she has not got a rash and is itching it, or a yeast infection (yes they can get them that young).

  8. Babies do that, for them NOTHING of their bodies is off limits, and it's the same as the rest of them.  She's doing something that is truly normal for a 14 month old, boy or girl.  And why are you telling her that her body is bad?  Why not name it?  v***a, clitoris, v****a, a**s.....  She should be allowed to own her own body.

    p**p on the other hand....

  9. Every kid goes through the stage of where they touch their genitals. I would keep an eye on her and she continues to do I would alert someone. Maybe that is her way of expressing her feelings toward the change. Good luck but I think it is just a case of curiosity!!!

  10. My son does this throughout the day, however he didn't come to me through foster care. If you are concerned just see a doctor to ease your mind a bit. Good luck.

  11. take her to the Dr.  It could be something as simple as irritation of the skin.... Good luck!

  12. Dun worry about that, my 14mth is also doing it too and I'm tell her: 'Mummy just applied the diaper rash cream and it will dirty her hand if she touches it plus the cream taste bad too(she still likes to suck on her fingers) And when I let her taste her fingers i gave her a ewhh.. look and she knows that is bad taste.

    Oh..distraction of powder bottles or anything you touched will keep her occupied. Have fun teaching her but remember allow her space to explore and she will outgrow it soon.

  13. Touching herself is NOT BAD!  Masturbation is a normal thing for children...I'll bet even YOU do it.

  14. it is common for babies to start discovering themselves. some times earlier in age then later. i have to boys as well, and my 6 year old used to "discover" his parts i also have a 13 month old and he hasn't "discovered" his parts yet but i am sure its coming..

    who has she been with for the last couple of months, in forster care or with your family?? maybe something happened with the foster family, i think i would contact the foster care dept and see if they will give you the number to the family she was staying with or some how to get in touch with them and see what things they where doing, what she was eating, favorite toys, comfort item, things like that. she might also have a yeast infection or something like that too.

  15. well im sorry but i dont think that is normal behaviour.but before you get any bad thoughts you should rule out any infection or thrush.its quite common in toddlers who wear nappies.she might be irritated down there thats why she keeps going down.just think when you have thrush or something the urge to itch is irresistable.i think though,that you ARE doing the right thing by telling her its bad.good luck to you and the little one xx

  16. It is normal that she touches herself and just as a warning, don't tell her it is bad.  Later in life she will be afraid to touch herself because she thinks that it is bad and if for nothing else, we need to keep ourselves examined.  I would alert the agency and let them know though because children who have been molested will do this.

  17. Maybe she has a pain or something is irritated down there.  Take her to a dr and have him check her out.  Then ask what you can do to break that habit and to see if there is another reason why she is touching herself that way.  When babies first discover their privates, its like a foreign object.  Same as when they discover their ears or any other thing.  Babies dont know if what they are doing is good or to a dr and see what they recommend.

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