
I just gave birth 3 weeks ago and I have a couple Q's. concerning exercise & healing "down there".?

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Hi! My stomach looks so blah and I just don't look fit. I really want to start walking or running but when I've taken short walks so far, my back starts hurting. I don't know why this is. Whenever I am bending down to do something like buckle my first child in her car seat, changing my new born's diaper, etc... I have pain in my lower stomach, I don't know why this is either. So when will I ever feel better to exercise? How long did it take you guys to heal and start working out again?

Also, when did you stop bleeding? It's been 3 weeks and I am still bleeding. It's light but I still have to use a pad. And what is also weird is one day it'll be brownish and then the next day it'll be bright red. Do you know when you stop bleeding? Also, does anyone know why the color changes every other day?

Sorry for the too much information, thanks.




  1. Bleeding for up to 6weeks - totally normal!!  Mya become shorter with successive babies.  Bright red bleeding is a sign to take it easy!  The sight that the placenta detached from needs to heal, it's like a big scab & when you do to much it reopens.

    Pain in tummy- normal too, the uterus is trying hard to shrink back to size.  Could be an indication you are doing "too much"  relax and let your body heal- remember no lifting anything heavier than that darling liitle baby!

    Your tummy will get better, but take it easy.  Walking with the baby is a great form of exercise.  Other than that wait til your 6wks check, talk to your gyno & go from there.  Usually anything goes after 6wks.  I did water aerobics with my first & was 15# lighter after 8 mos than I was before I got pg.  Wait with this tho cuz you can't use tampons yet

  2. Six weeks seems to be the standard. I think I bled for nearly that long both times. And you should wait until then to begin exercising. I'm not sure about the color change. I can't remember.  

  3. I think bleeding for 6 weeks is pretty normal.  Just make sure the amount is decreasing.  If not, call your doctor.

    As for exercise, just take short walks and build yoru body back up.  Did you walk while pregnant?  If not, it may take longer.  How about swimming?  That is no-impact.  

    Your body went thru a major event.  Give it time.

  4. I'm not sure about the pain--you may just be starting too early.  Maybe give your body another week or so.  Are you getting enough sleep?

    Regarding the bleeding, on the days when it goes back to bright red you are doing too much (or too stressed out).  It should really slow down by 3 weeks after giving birth, and decrease from here on out.  After two weeks I really just had spotting (brown) for a few more weeks and then was done.  Make sure to give yourself some time.  I know you can feel blah esp in the stomach area after giving birth, but it sounds like your body is showing you it's not ready for exercise just yet.

  5. I started exercising after I went to my 6 week check up, my doctor at that time said it was alright.  I also bleed for 6 weeks after giving birth. The color change is normal, they say it takes 6 week for your cervix to completely close. (alot of sixes huh, lol)

  6. My doctor told me after I had my son that I would more then like bleed for 4 to 6 weeks.  She had also told me not to do exercises for at least a month because the uterus is contracting to go back down to it's normal size and that can cause alot of pain if your exercising.  Yeah it's tough to look at your body after you had a child but you have to give your body time to heal after that big of a trama.  Try to relax and don't worry you'll get back into shape.

  7. well the doctors are supposed to tell you that if you are bleeding longer than 2 weeks then its a problem and you should call and make an appt. right away...if this IS the case, then this is whats causing you the pain. If not, then most women dont get their body to be rid of the pain till about a month or 2 (from child birth).

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