
I just got 3 of my wisdom teeth removed. My mouth is swollen and I have a headache.?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I can't lay down because they told me to keep my head up. Tips please. :(




  1. Prop your head up with pillows

    take you meds

    and rest


    and if your on the computer

    it may make you headache worse

    but if u dont get enough rest you could get an iffection

  2. that happened to me as well when I had all 4 taken out, I put my head on a pillow and took the pain medication they gave me, it helped a lot

  3. ice, ice and more ice.  if that doesn't work try a hot water bottle, and try to sleep it off

  4. OK-this is going to sound funny, but when I had mine out my husband put some ice packs in some hose and tied the hose around my head so the ice packs rested against my jaw and cheeks.  Looked funny?  Yes.  Did it help with the swelling and the pain?  Also yes.  :)

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