
I just got Ubuntu so, now what?

by  |  earlier

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I've been using Microsoft for all my life on the computer. I just got Vista and it has been nice, but starting college soon and I wanted something really simple just for schoolwork (i.e. writing papers and researching).

I just got wi-fi to work (I'm using Ubuntu right now, it took me about 1 hour to finally configure and get the Broadcom BCM driver) and I just got the screen resolution larger than just 800x600 (the default size that was the only option until I did some updates)

Now, as a first time user of Ubuntu, Linux in general, what should I do? Is there anything I need to install that will help or download? Security issues in Ubuntu? I'm reading over the newbie guide for this, but I would also like some direct replies to this (I like Yahoo! Answers). In addition, what are some pretty cool, funky ways to customize Ubuntu?

Thanks in advance!




  1. Have you installed java flash and multimedia codecs? If not, you can install them by running this:

    sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

    You might want to read some command line tutorials maybe, but its not necessary. For security - just install the critical updates. No need to set up third party firewalls, also there are no viruses.

    To customize Ubuntu, you can install ccsm and emerald, if your graphics card supports you will get some cool 3D desktop effects.

    sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager emerald

    Also look at for themes and other artwork.

    synaptic is for installing software, but I think most apps you need for writing papers and researching are already installed by default.

  2. Here are some useful links that you may need to refer to :

    Synaptic Package Manager



    Compiz Fusion 3D Desktop

    General Support

    It is not necessary to run Antivirus software as Ubuntu is very secure, the same applies to Linux in general.

    If you would like any help you are welcome to contact me (see my profile)


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