
I just got a 6 month old kitten and...?

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it kneads all the time even when its standing sitting wherever when ever it is a very sweet cat but very skinny. Is it kneading cause its hungry or loving? I heard that they do this when they are taken away from mom too early... what do you think?




  1. Every cat does it, all the cats I've had and have do/have done it. It's normal.

    Usually, if your cat is hungry then he will let you know. They usually hang around the place where they know you will produce the food. But lets face it, if a cat is hungry then he will go out an catch something.

    If you're still worried then you could take your cat to the vets and they should be able to give you advice if there is anything wrong.

    Good luck to you and your kitten.


  2. cats knead for a number of reasons, when theyre happy/purring mainly, it is untrue about the taken away from there mother part, as for it being skinny most kittens are especially the runts, you could discorage the kneading if this is a problem and feed it kitten formula milk which is availible in cartons, this is high in fat and nutrients which should help to fattent he cat up a bit, you could also try feed titbits often to accompany meals.

  3. I had a kitten and it's mother for years and he would still mush everything so it's not from being taken away from their mother too early.  I think it is just something they do when they are being lovable.

  4. My cat does that to me all the time.  He will be 17 on Oct 3, and I've had him since he was 5 weeks old.  He does it because he loves me.  Enjoy your kitten.  They are lots of fun!

  5. My cats are eight years old, and they still knead my stomach when sitting in my lap. It probably means he's content and happy, because that's what kittens do when nursing, in order to make the milk flow faster.

    If he's really skinny, you should take him to the vet to make sure he doesn't have worms or something. I just found out that my cats have worms. The fecal test was $18 and the worm medicine was $9 for each cat, so it's not really expensive if he does have worms.

  6. ooh mine does that all the time and she was taken from her mum early (she was the runt and wasn't being fed). she's normal weight now though (5 months) but still kneads me all the time. on the boob, bizarrely ;  )

  7. Some cats do this to show love. Maybe he views you as his "momma" and it may be possible he was taken away a little early, but it won't be a huge problem. Although, he may never grow out of it! My mom's seven year old male still likes to knead and even "suckle" on her arm a little. It's kind of gross, but he sees her as his mommy, I guess. He only does this at night when it's time for bed.

  8. its sposed to be when they are working the moms stomach to get milk

    hes being loving

    just enjoy it

    he loves u!

  9. Is the cat spayed? That is a sign of female cat being in heat. Try petting her near her tail and see if she sticks her tail/butt up or moves around funny.

    If she is spayed, its usually a sign that they are happy and content. Its sort of a normal cat behavior I think but its more extreme if they're taken from the mother too early because they're never taught to stop nursing correctly. It can also be a sign that they're nervous I've heard but not sure about that..  

  10. i have a 6 year old cat that still does that...sometimes relentlessly on my stomach when im trying to fall asleep

    its just what cats do

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