I just got a bootleged DVD from eBay, it is vary obvious that it is the quality is low for a DVD fuzzy, and the cover for the label is off there is a whit line on it, and the DVD it's self in the middle looks like someone printed it and then brunt it in the middle, I wish I could of posted pics of it but my PC is being stupid.
I would like to know what can I do! I know that is it illegal to copy a DVD then sell it, but I would like to know what if anything can I do I fell like I am helpless, all that I know is I can give a negative rating to the person but I want my money back and the person is not responding to my eMails.
Help I am vary PO at the person foe selling me a fake. Give links for eBay if they have anything for me. Or if I can take this higher I would like to the person has a tun of other dvds for sail and I don't want any other person to get a fake like I did.
I just want my money back and others not to get riped off.
THX for all your help.