
I just got a Bootleg Pirated DVD from eBay what can I do.?

by Guest34347  |  earlier

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I just got a bootleged DVD from eBay, it is vary obvious that it is the quality is low for a DVD fuzzy, and the cover for the label is off there is a whit line on it, and the DVD it's self in the middle looks like someone printed it and then brunt it in the middle, I wish I could of posted pics of it but my PC is being stupid.

I would like to know what can I do! I know that is it illegal to copy a DVD then sell it, but I would like to know what if anything can I do I fell like I am helpless, all that I know is I can give a negative rating to the person but I want my money back and the person is not responding to my eMails.

Help I am vary PO at the person foe selling me a fake. Give links for eBay if they have anything for me. Or if I can take this higher I would like to the person has a tun of other dvds for sail and I don't want any other person to get a fake like I did.

I just want my money back and others not to get riped off.

THX for all your help.




  1. You can dispute it to Ebay, because the person lied to you about what you were buying.  You can get your money back, and report illegal activity.  Choose from the menu on the left:

  2. get in touch with paypal or your credit card company and ask their advice

    good luck

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