
I just got a Mali uromastyx and he doesnt want to touch his food. and he is soo scared, i cant even pet him!?

by  |  earlier

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he is about 30cm long. a male

i got a 50 gallon tank.

2 food bowls.... 1 for finch seeds...... the other for mango/greens

i got two heat lamps. one has a 250 watt bulb. and the other has a 100 watt bulb. and there both on opposite sides of the tank.

the floor has dessert sand, just as they recommended at pj pets.

please give me tips on how to get him to eat, and how to handle him. if i just rub his back with my index finger he inhales and exhales really fast. i don't no if this is normal at the beginning

please give me any advice you have!

thanks! :)




  1. 250 watt bulb.... uhh that would get the temp around 200 ? not good only have about a 100 watt depending on tallness of cage and a uvb light he needs a place where he can go to if hes to hot.

  2. a 250 and a 100 on a 50 may be making the cage too hot w/out a cool end. Make sure you have the correct temperature and that he has a place to cool down if needed. I wouldn't use sand as a substrate for a uro. The very best bedding for a uro is millet. When the uro poops, the millet sticks to the p**p and also you won't need a bowl for millet seed, they can just eat their bedding and it won't be harmful to them. You also didn't mention a UVB bulb and that is very important to have w/ a uro. You need to purchase a UVB bulb right away, probably a 10.0 if you have a 50 gallon tank. Uro's won't eat fruits a lot of time so you may not want to offer mango so much. try different greens if the ones you offer aren't working. Mine love dandilions and pok choy and even the dandilion flowers they cannot resist. also try beans like lentils and lima beans and split peas or veggies like squash or green beans.  Instead of petting your mali in the cage, pick it up first and hold it in your hand. It should become less defensive then. also don't be afraid of it. They're small and the tail whip will not hurt. You have to be confident when handling reptiles and they will sense your confidence. So first check your temps, then get a UVB and I would expect the uro to start eating. here is a good uro website. I wouldn't ask any more advice from your petstore, a lot of times they just try to sell you products that you don't need or aren't good for your animals.

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