
I just got a Small Victoria Foamie.Should i buy a traction pad?If so, how many.Or, should i just use wax?

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** The wax i have is Sharkbait Cold Water wax, if i need new or better i can get some. I just need some tips. Thanks alot guys! :D :D




  1. Personally, I would just wax, but I'm not really one for traction. It's really your call. Ir you intend to get hardcore and do wave tricks, you might want some traction pads. For your waxing purposes, I use and love Mr. Zog's s*x Wax. It's really good, and smells good. It comes in many different colors and depending on where you go to buy it, it can be between $1 and $3. Good Luck, and I hope I helped!!

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