
I just got a baby chick!!! i hav questions!!!?

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how old to chickens need to be to produce eggs?????how can you tell if its a male or female????




  1. Hens usually start laying between 18-22 weeks old.If it is a rooster it will get a larger brighter comb than a female chick.If you still arent sure you can just wait till it trys to start crowing,which in the begining will sound pretty cute.But once hes waking you up at 4 am its not so cute anymore.

  2. Chickens start laying around 6 months old. I just got 4 new babies in April. 3 are hens and one is a rooster.  About 2 weeks ago we started hearing this weird noise coming from the coop. And realized it was a crow. We knew for sure we have a rooster.

    He seems to stand a little taller then the rest. And has a big, very bright red comb. We're all so proud!

    Check out the website... They have lots of great information there.

  3. I think it's arround 20-24 wks of age.

    Basic information can be found at: Raising Chickens

    there is information on chickens at both those sites. good luck with your baby chick...

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